Photography and

Recording Permission Form

At certain times throughout the year, students may have the opportunity to be

photographed/recorded/filmed by the College for promotional, marketing, media and educational purposes, including but not limited to: Newsletter, College Website, Yearbook, College publications and Social Media.


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) and the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) may also wish to use student photographs or recordings in print and online promotional, marketing, media, and educational materials.


I give permission for my child's photo, video and/or audio file and name, to be used for the above purposes.

  • I authorise St John's Regional College, MACS and the CECV to use photographs and recordings in material available free of charge to schools and education departments around Australia for John Paul College, MACS and CECV promotional material, marketing, media and educational purposed
  • I give permission for a photograph and recording of my child to be used by St John's Regional College, MACS and / or the CECV in the agreed publications without acknowledgement, remuneration or compensation
  • I understand and agree that if I do not wish to consent to my child’s photograph or recording appearing in any or all of the publications above, or if I wish to withdraw this authorisation and consent, it is my responsibility to notify the College.

Please contact the College if you do not give consent to the above.


Licensed under NEALS

The photograph and recording may appear in material which will be available to schools and education departments around Australia under the National Educational Access Licence for Schools (NEALS), which is a licence between education departments of the various states and territories, allowing schools to use licensed material wholly and freely for educational purposes.


Any permission and consent given may be withdrawn by the parent/guardian/carer or student (if they are aged 15 or over) by notifying the school in advance of any photograph or recording being made.


Disclaimer: Personal information will be held, used and disclosed in accordance with the school’s Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy available on the school website: