Pastoral Program and Events

Angelique Phillip-Kemp                                                                    

Pastoral Program and Events Coordinator    

Year 9 Program 2024


Last week, our Year 9 students embarked on an exciting and enriching program designed to provide diverse experiences and opportunities to explore future career pathways, develop new skills, and reflect on their growth.


Monday 17th June – Career Pathways Day

The week started with Career Pathways Day, where students participated in four sessions focusing on various career options and pathways. These sessions were designed to inspire and inform students about the multitude of career opportunities available to them. In the afternoon, students attended City Preparation Sessions to prepare for their city experiences in the following days.


Tuesday 18th June – City Experience Day 1

On the first day of city experiences, students visited and toured the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and the Defence Force. These visits provided insights into higher education options and careers in the defence sector, offering a glimpse into the environments and opportunities that these institutions provide. At ACU, students were offered a glimpse into four specialist areas, guided through sessions by current students in Nursing, Speech Pathology, Sports Science and Law.


Wednesday 19th June – City Experience Day 2

The second day of city experiences involved group rotations through various cultural and educational sites in Melbourne. Students visited the Melbourne Museum, exploring exhibits and learning about natural history and cultural heritage. They also toured St Patrick's Cathedral, appreciating its architectural beauty and historical significance. Additionally, students enjoyed an interactive tour of ArtVo, an immersive art gallery.


Thursday 20th June – Self Reflection Day

Self-Reflection Day, run by the African Youth Alliance, allowed students to reflect on their experiences and personal growth. Students participated in reflection sessions that encouraged self-awareness and personal development. The school provided morning tea and lunch, allowing students to relax and socialise. In the afternoon, students attended information sessions: one by Victoria Police which covered community safety and policing careers, and another by Sonya Karras from Whole New World, which focused on personal safety and wellbeing.

Friday 21st June – Certificate Day

The week concluded with Certificate Day, where students opted into a whole-day course or certificate program of their choice. The options included:


  • First Aid Certificate
  • Patisserie Masterclass
  • Umpiring or Coaching Certificate
  • AUSLAN Masterclass
  • Car Maintenance 101 at Box Hill Institute 


Each course was designed to equip students with practical skills and certifications that are personally and professionally valuable.



Overall, the Year 9 Program 2024 was a tremendous success, offering students a rich blend of educational, cultural, and personal development experiences. I thank all of the staff involved in the week's planning and implementation. It would not have been a success without the hardworking teachers, maintenance and IT support staff, teaching support staff, and administration staff who work behind the scenes to make sure it runs smoothly. We look forward to seeing how these experiences shape their future endeavours.