MAD Day Walk

MAD Day: A Resounding Success!

The College Leaders are thrilled to report that our annual Make-A-Difference (MAD) Day Walk was a tremendous success, thanks to the dedication and generosity of our students, staff, and the wider community.


Our College community united for the MAD Day Walk, a collective effort that raised funds for the Presentation Sisters' Wellsprings for Women in Dandenong and the De La Salle Brothers' Lasallian Foundation projects. These initiatives, which your contributions have directly supported, are not just about breaking the cycle of poverty but also about transforming lives and creating a brighter future for disadvantaged youth in the Asia-Pacific region.


Statistics can often overshadow the human element, but it's essential to remember that these numbers represent real individuals—young people, parents, siblings, and grandparents—whose lives have been touched by our efforts. Your contributions have truly made a significant impact.


One poignant example from the Lasallian Foundation's work is Rama's story. Found begging in Virdhunagar village, Rama was taken in by the Reaching the Unreached (RTU) program. RTU provided him with a home, education, and life skills, transforming his life. Rama now dreams of becoming a policeman.


Closer to home, the Presentation Sisters' Wellsprings for Women supports women in our community, offering educational services, recreational activities, and outreach programs. Their work, grounded in the values of hospitality and respect for all, empowers women to achieve their potential.


Our collective efforts support these invaluable programs, making a real difference. Every student contributed to this achievement, gathering donations from family, friends, neighbours, and the wider community.


On MAD Day, we proudly walked 8km along the Dandenong Creek bicycle path, fully supervised, embodying our College's 2024 theme: 'That they may be one.'

We want to express our gratitude to every one of you who participated and contributed to the MAD Day Walk. Your efforts, whether through walking, donating, or supporting, have made a lasting and significant difference in the lives of many. We couldn't have achieved this without you.


Greg Van Es    

Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing