Principal's Report 

Tim Hogan

Wellsprings for Women- 30th Year Celebrations 

Last Thursday, a wonderful celebration of the 30 Years of WellSpring for Women was held at Victoria's Parliament House, hosted by Gabriel Williams, the member for Dandenong and the Minister for Women.


When the Presentation Sisters withdrew from teaching in Dandenong schools in the 1980s, they saw new opportunities to meet emerging community needs. Led by Sr. Ann Halpin and Sr. Margaret Bellesini, they addressed concerns for isolated women by setting up a welcoming space to support them. On July 22, 1994, the City of Greater Dandenong Cr Christine Ware officially opened WellSpring, where women could gather and be empowered.


Over the past 30 years, WellSpring has expanded its programs to address women's physical, emotional, spiritual, recreational, educational, and skill-based needs. Under CEO Dalal Smiley's leadership, WellSpring supports countless migrant and refugee women, helping them develop skills and build connections in their new home and local community.

Congratulations to our Art Exhibition Winners - Refugee Week

Last week, on World Refugee Day, we prayed to Pope Francis for migrants fleeing war and hunger, hoping they find welcome and new opportunities in their host countries. Refugee Week Art Exhibition 2024 was a tremendous success, thanks to the leadership of our Learning Diversity ( EAL & Refugee) leader, Ms Nievas, our library team and the support of all the teachers who encouraged student participation.


The Art Exhibition, themed "Finding Freedom - Family," was a beautiful way for students to express their thoughts and creativity. We are thrilled to announce the winners, who were presented with their art prizes at last Thursday's exhibition.


Bernardus Sialau, Year 7

Vicenta Mussons, Year 8

Samira Yaqueby, Year 11

A Successful Year 9 Experience Week.

We are delighted to share the success of our recent Year 9 Experience Week, a key event in our curriculum designed to support students as they explore a range of topics, consider future pathways, and begin making their way in the world. Throughout the week, students engaged positively with various sessions, including city excursions and inspiring talks from external guest speakers at St. John.


This enriching experience was made possible by the meticulous planning and dedication of our Pastoral Program and Events Coordinator, Ms Angelique Phillip-Kemp, and our Pathways Leader, Mr Bruce Topham. Their efforts ensured a well-organised and impactful program. I extend my thanks to them and all the staff involved for a tremendous team effort in making our celebration of Refugee Week a resounding success.

Congratulations to our ACU STEP UP Program Participants!

It is with great pleasure that I announce and congratulate several of our outstanding students who have been accepted into the prestigious Australian Catholic University (ACU) STEP UP Program. This opportunity allows them to complete two university units from July 2024 to February 2025. Upon successful completion, they will receive a guaranteed early offer from ACU for the degree of their choice, along with credit for a first-year subject in that degree.


A huge congratulations to the following students and their dedicated staff mentors:

  • Vanessa Williams (Exercise Science) - Mentor: Ash Fraraccio
  • Tiana Maroun (Exercise Science) - Mentor: Ash Fraraccio
  • Emilia Rusec (Business) - Mentor: Nathan Yap
  • Kenneth Fletcher (Business) - Mentor: Nathan Yap
  • Katrina Angelopoulos (Exercise Science) - Mentor: Mark Bowler
  • Marnath Machar (Exercise Science) - Mentor: Mark Bowler

We are proud of these students for their hard work and commitment to their education. Their acceptance into the ACU STEP-UP Program is a testament to their dedication and potential. I also thank their mentors who provide our students with fortnightly check-ins to support them in their academic journey.

Food Studies Week

This past week, our Food Studies Team celebrated the diverse offerings of our Food & Hospitality Curriculum. Learning Area Weeks, such as this one, play a crucial role in promoting the unique aspects of various subjects and the pathways they offer. Through a variety of hands-on activities, the Food Studies staff increased students' appreciation of the skills learned in these subjects and showcased potential career opportunities. I thank Mr Vanderlaan, Ms Haider, Ms Jeffree and Ms Mullholland for their creative work in inspiring our students for their academic and professional futures.

Make a Difference Day (Mad Day) June 28

MAD Day is our annual fundraising event dedicated to supporting Lasallian schools in Pakistan and the Presentation Wellsprings for Women Centre in Dandenong. This year, in addition to our traditional MAD Day walk for fundraising, we are also focusing on our local community by collecting non-perishable items for families struggling in challenging economic conditions. Students and staff are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items, which will be collected in homerooms and House Leaders' offices. These items will be assembled into hampers and delivered to local St. Vincent de Paul conferences in Endeavour Hills, Doveton, and Dandenong. We are also asking for donations of new blankets to support the St. Vincent de Paul Society's Winter Appeal.

This initiative reflects our commitment to the Church's Social Justice Teaching, taking tangible action to support those in need. MAD Day fundraising will support St. Solomon's School in Pakistan, run by the De La Salle Brothers, and Wellsprings for Women in Dandenong, inspired by the Presentation Sisters. Thank you to everyone for your contributions and support in making MAD Day a success.


Student progress reports will be available in the first week of the school holidays via the SEQTA Engage App, outlining first-semester achievements. I want to thank our staff for their hard work in preparing this crucial feedback and recommendations for the following stages of student learning. These reports are most effective when reviewed over the holidays to discuss the feedback and develop improvement strategies for semester 2. Setting goals and actions for the next semester is critical to progress, and I encourage parents and guardians to sit down with students to discuss what has been achieved and the way forward. While we will support our students in their journey of improvement, the reflection and effort must begin with them, making the school holidays an ideal time to start.

Changes to Our Scholarship Program

We are pleased to announce an update to our scholarship program at St John's. Starting in 2025, we will be awarding 20 General Excellence Scholarships to incoming Year 7 students. This new initiative aims to recognise and support our future students' diverse talents and achievements from the beginning of their journey with us.

As we transition to this new scholarship program, we will continue to offer General Excellence Scholarships to current students at St John's. These scholarships are designed to acknowledge our existing students' hard work and dedication and provide additional opportunities for their continued growth and success. See this newsletter for details regarding the application process for scholarships for 2025.


I advise Mr. Paul Colvin to be on long service leave during Term 3, enjoying a well-deserved holiday in America and Europe. In his absence, we welcome back Ms Amanda Gengaroli, a former teacher at St John's, who will take over his teaching responsibilities. Additionally, Ms. Nasioulas will be managing the Science learning area, and Ms. Phillip-Kemp will oversee the Mathematics learning area.


We also extend our congratulations to Ms. Rachel Towns, who has recently graduated with a Master of Educational Leadership from ACU.

Office Hours 

Looking ahead to the school holidays, our School Administration will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, and our Contemporary Learning Centre (CLC) will remain open from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day. This will provide a study environment for students to work on their homework or assignments for the upcoming term.

End of Term Break

I want to thank the staff and students for their sustained effort and dedication throughout this term. The upcoming holidays are a perfect opportunity to recharge and spend quality time with family and friends. I wish those travelling a safe and exciting journey, and for those staying closer to home, we hope for some slightly warmer weather to enjoy.


We look forward to welcoming our students back on Tuesday, July 16, at the beginning of Term 3. God Bless.