Stage 1 Team 

Our incredible, hardworking teachers are excited to continue teaching and learning programs for all Stage 1 this term. Should you wish to discuss any concerns or celebrations for your child please contact their classroom teacher first. 



This term we have new teachers on our Stage 1 team. We wish to welcome Ms Lisa Cremona on Frog 2, and Ms Emma Tulich on Lizard 2. Also, welcome to Ms Angie Li, who will continue to support classrooms with students who are learning English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D). 


Water Dragon 1: Ms Sara Ko 

Water Dragon 2: Mr Andrew Reagan 


Platypus 1: Mrs Despina Stanfield 

Platypus 2: Mr Jonathan Hughes 


Turtle 1: Ms Olivia Brown 

Turtle 2: Mrs Eden Woolard 


Frog 1: Ms Annabelle Mawhinney 

Frog 2: Ms Lisa Cremona 


Lizard 1: Ms Laura Geraghty 

Lizard 2: Ms Emma Tulich 


Possum 1: Mrs Andrea Leung 

Possum 2: Ms Olivia Michael 


English as Additional Language/ Dialect Teachers: Ms Allyson Richards, Ms Sarah Zamiri, Ms Angie Li & Mrs Lara Bullen 


Assistant Principal Stage 1: Ms Allyson Richards 


Deputy Principal K-2 and Inclusive Hub: Ms Samantha Silipo