Winners of our 

2024 National Careers Week 

Poem Competition

We are excited to announce the winners of our Poem Competition held in celebration of National Careers Week 2024. Our students showcased their creativity and vision through inspiring poems. Congratulations to all participants for their excellent submissions.




Bricklayer's Art

Steady hands, keen eye,

Stacking bricks, one by one.

Aligning edges, setting plumb,

Crafting structures under the sun.


From simple walls to ornate arches,

The bricklayer's canvas never parches.

Shaping structures strong and true,

A creative art, through and through.


In this job, the most creative ever,

Brick by brick, they build forever.


- Joshua C. Year 8





In a world painted with hues of boundless skies,

Lies an artist, with visions that mesmerize.

With brush in hand, they sculpt dreams on canvas wide,

Capturing moments, where emotions coincide.


In strokes of passion, they unveil tales untold,

Each masterpiece a window to the soul.

From swirling galaxies to flowers in bloom,

Their art speaks volumes, dispelling gloom.


With every stroke, they breathe life into the still,

Their imagination boundless, an endless thrill.

In colors bold and soft, they find their voice,

Crafting symphonies where hearts rejoice.


For the artist is a poet, a storyteller divine,

Their canvas a reflection of the soul's design.

In their creations, we find beauty and grace,

For in the hands of an artist, worlds find their place.


- Sally S. Year 10 





I dream of red and golden light,

A spark ignites my heart each night.

With every call, the vision grows,

To join the ranks where courage flows.

A future forged in strength and grace,

A yearning for the fire's embrace.

To stand with heroes, side by side,

where honour, duty, and hope abide.


The path ahead is steep and long,

But in my heart, a steadfast song.

Through training's trials and lessons learned,

A warrior’s spirit is discerned.


With every drill and every test,

I’ll strive to be my very best.

To wear the gear with pride and might, 

And battle flames in darkest night.


In the heart of danger, I’ll aspire,

To quell the fiercest, raging fire.

With selfless hands and fearless gaze,

I will dream of service, nights and days.


- Atika S. Year 11




We are incredibly proud of Joshua, Sally and Atika, for their outstanding contributions. Their poems beautifully capture the spirit of ambition and the diverse pathways that careers can offer.


Thank you to all who participated and made this competition a success. Let's continue to support and encourage our students as they explore their future careers with creativity and determination.


Milenka Juric

Careers and Pathways Manager