From the Principal 

As we come to the close of another busy semester, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate each and every one of our students on their fantastic efforts and achievements. Our students' dedication and hard work have truly made this semester a success.


I also extend my appreciation to our teachers and staff, who have worked tirelessly to support and guide our students throughout the term. Their commitment and passion for education have played a crucial role in our students’ academic and personal development.


At the end of this term, we bid farewell to some wonderful staff members who have contributed significantly to our school community. Their hard work and dedication will be greatly missed, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.


As we approach the mid-year break, I encourage all parents and guardians to take the time to sit down with your child and review their Semester 1 report. This is an important opportunity to celebrate achievements, identify areas for improvement, and set personal goals for Semester 2. Your involvement and support are vital in helping our students reach their full potential.


Looking ahead to Semester 2, let us continue to work together as a community to provide our students with a nurturing and enriching learning environment. I am confident that with our collective efforts, we will achieve even greater successes in the months to come.


The Exchange 

I am delighted to share the exciting results from this year's Exchange between Cheltenham SC and Avenues College. The competition was intense, showcasing the high level of talent and sportsmanship from both schools. Cheltenham secured 17 wins, while Avenues College achieved 10 wins. This outstanding performance has allowed Cheltenham to retain the Exchange Shield.


In addition to the Shield, Avenues College claimed the Exchange Cup and the Captain's Plate, demonstrating their competitive spirit and determination throughout the event. Congratulations to all students who participated in representing Cheltenham with pride and dedication. Your hard work and commitment have truly made us proud.


While The Exchange is centred around our students, I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the staff involved in preparing and coordinating this event. In particular, I want to acknowledge the eight staff members who dedicated their time and effort to travelling with our students. Your dedication and support are invaluable, and without your commitment, these enriching opportunities would not be possible. Thank you to; Karly Hargreaves, Paul Sanders, Kieran Knox, Joel Mazurek, Ben Smart, Lyndsey Beames, Trent McIntyre, and Emma Allen.  


Once again, congratulations to everyone involved in The Exchange. Your achievements and sportsmanship exemplify the spirit of our school community. Let's continue to celebrate and support each other as we look forward to more successes in the future.


Student Attendance 

The college has recently experienced significant absences and lateness, leading to class disruptions and impacting student academic performance. Consistent attendance and prompt arrival enable students to fully engage in learning from the start of the day, minimising disruptions and maximising their educational opportunities. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and discipline, preparing students for academic and future success.


Could I please encourage parents to support the college by ensuring student attendance is a priority and that students arrive before 8.40am each day. This is crucial to get the best possible outcome for every student. 


Statement of Respect 

Over the past 12 months, we have observed and experienced significant societal changes and challenges. The past few years have not only altered our daily lives but influenced attitudes, behaviours, and expectations, not just among our young people but across society.


While most of our students continue to demonstrate exceptional character and conduct, we must recognise that societal shifts necessitate a continuous focus on our core values. These values are the foundation of our school culture and environment, guiding us in setting expectations that uphold respect and integrity.


A few years ago, our community—students, staff, and parents—came together to develop our Statement of Respect. This document embodies our collective expectations regarding rights and responsibilities toward each other. It serves as a reminder of the principles that underpin our community and the importance of fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect.


As we navigate through evolving times, we should revisit these expectations periodically. Reflecting on our Statement of Respect allows us to reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.


Thank you for your ongoing support in upholding these principles within our school community. Let us continue to model and reinforce these values together, ensuring that we cultivate a positive and nurturing environment for all.


I have included the eight rights we developed together as a community and the link to the document that contains the responsibility to be undertaken by students, staff, and parents/ guardians.  

  1. Each person has a right to be accepted and treated with respect and courtesy.
  2. Each person has the right to learn; and to develop interests, abilities, and ambitions in a secure and supportive environment. 
  3. Each person has the right to feel and be safe. 
  4. Each person has the right to equal opportunity. 
  5. Each person has the right to have all personal or community property cared for.
  6. Each person has the right to participate in the life of the college including relevant decision-making processes.
  7. Each person has the right to achieve their best; experience success and receive praise for achievement. 
  8. Each person has the right to a clean, tidy, and well-presented college.


Thank you once again to our students, parents, teachers, and staff for your ongoing dedication and support. Enjoy the school break and we look forward to the beginning of Semester 2. 


Warm regards


Karl Russell
