Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

Welcome back to Term 3 in the Senior Unit. We finished off Term 3 with a bang, with our Year 5’s attending an experience day at Gisborne Secondary College and then the Year 5/6 Camp at PGL in Campaspe Downs. Check out some of the photos from our camp!
This term, we are looking forward to many events coming up! Our Whole School Mathslymics Day and Family Maths night will be held on 7th August to celebrate and combine the wonderful world of Mathematics and the Olympics. Stay tuned for more information coming out soon. We will also be holding Book Week Dress Up Day on August 21st with the theme ‘Reading is Magic’. Start thinking about costume ideas!
In Literacy this term, the Senior Unit is exploring Feature Articles and have started to analyse and critique a range of texts. They are also beginning to write their own, linking in with our Inquiry unit of ‘Health’. They have practised the skills of researching and collecting information and planning for their article.
In Maths, students have revised factors, multiples and prime numbers and are now moving into applying their multiplication knowledge to solve some challenging problems and play games. We encourage students to continue practising their multiplication tables at home so they can efficiently use them in the classroom.
In Inquiry, we have started our new unit on ‘Health’. Students have shared their prior understandings of health and how this relates to them. They are now working in expert groups to develop a presentation for the class that explores the different dimensions of health to teach others and promote positive strategies.
We look forward to another exciting term of learning ahead!!
Year 5/6 Teachers
Andrea Evans (56E), Kasey Ward (56W), Nathan Spilsted (56S), Katie Cashen (56C), Iain Sparrey (56W)