Parents and Friends Association

PFA Cake Stall - Monday 5 August at 3.30pm
The ever popular cake stall is back! …and it’s not restricted to just cakes.
We hope you will get on board by bringing along baked goods, jam/chutneys, garden produce, etc. We have chosen this date so that hopefully people are free to bake/prepare on the weekend just prior. If you’re not a baker/preserver/gardener, please come along and purchase something in the afternoon!
All baked goods need to be packaged, and must not contain cream fillings or uncooked eggs. Please also attach a label with a full list of ingredients. We’d especially love plenty of gluten-free offerings.
Drop-off of items is to the canteen on the day between 8.30-9.15am, or between 2 - 3pm. Items will be priced and available to purchase after school from 3.30pm-4.30pm (or until sold out).
The PFA is looking for volunteers to help us receive donations (either in the morning or the afternoon), and set up, sell, and pack up afterwards. Sign up here - PFA Cake Stall Helpers 5 Aug 2024
Father’s Day Brekky coming soon!
All fathers and grandfathers are invited to the PFA Father’s Day Brekky on Friday 30th August, from 7.45 - 9am to celebrate our WPS dads. Rafael’s coffee van will be onsite so you can purchase hot coffee (please bring a clean keep cup and cash if possible). We will have tea available for those who would prefer that.
The PFA will be providing our dads with a bacon and egg roll, with mini sausages in bread for the kids. FREE orders on QKR! will open soon, to help us cater appropriately.
Can you assist for an hour or so? Many hands make light work - please sign up here: PFA Fathers Day Breakfast 2024
Facebook Pages
There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School Parents and Friends' Community
(You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school. Membership requests with unanswered questions will be rejected)
Thank you,
PFA Communications
Mikkel Mynster