
Canteen Roster - July
  25Victor & Naomi26Susie & 1 Sarah T
312 helpers needed  
Canteen Roster - August
  1Judith22 helpers needed
72 helpers needed8Sue W92 helpers needed
142 helpers needed15Karl162 helpers needed
212 helpers needed22Susie232 helpers needed
  • As you can see, we have close to NO volunteers on the roster ☹
  • A huge thanks to those who have helped often… to those who haven’t, please give it a go!  The school just can’t provide this service without the assistance from parents. It is an easy and enjoyable few hours and it is also a way to meet other parents…not to mention the smile you put on your children’s faces when they see you in here. Only 9.15 to 12.45 with a free ice treat for your children 😊
  • Please contact me ASAP on 0411558557 should you be free and willing to help
  • Remember to purchase a paper bag with every QKR order.

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi