Leadership Report

Welcome back to our final term for the 2024 school year. I hope everyone had a restful holiday break, as term 4 is jam packed with events! 


Kicking off the term's events was our Instrumental Music Concert held on Thursday evening this week. It never ceases to amaze me the quality of the performances that our students present - it's hard to believe that our students are in primary school, and have been learning their chosen instrument for only a few years. A big thank you to the Instrumental Music teachers; Maria Foot, Aaron Lipp, Peter Matzick, Anne-Marie Meegan, Ian Seaborn, Nick Vladcoff, Peter Young, and administrator Rachel Owens for their hard work and dedication to the Instrumental Music program at Magill School throughout the year.


On Wednesday afternoon, members of our Year 6 Student Leadership Team presented their findings from the Wellbeing Engagement Collection (WEC) data that was gathered from students in Years 4-6 to the staff. The WEC measures student's engagement and connectedness with school, and their general feelings of wellbeing inside and outside of school. The Student Leadership Team analyse the anonymous data responses, and work with other student leaders from nearby primary schools to make an impact in areas which they want to improve in. Magill School's Student Leaders identified that they wanted to improve in the areas of 'significant adult at school' and 'overall health', and presented their actions to staff. We look forward to being able to share how their initiatives have contributed to improving student life for all at Magill School.

This week, we celebrated World Teachers' Day by recognising our wonderful teaching staff. Teaching is a job that never 'turns off', and our hardworking staff put students at the forefront of their thinking each and every day. We are truly blessed at Magill School to have a team of teachers working across all year levels, and in specialist learning areas, who are dedicated to our students, and consistently looking for how they can improve on their already exemplary professionalism.


Thank you to everyone who voted in the East Waste competition that our Sustainability Student Action team entered into. We were fortunate enough to come in second place, taking away a voucher for garden goods from Jeffries, and an excursion for the action team. Thank you to Schona Murray for leading the Student Action Team, Sophie Tarney for her video production skills, and to the students who have worked hard to complete sustainability projects in the school.


Finally, keeping on top of communication and the information coming home is really important in such a busy term. Please make sure you are checking your emails, seesaw notifications and checking bags for paper notes to stay on top of the information coming home from the school and classroom teachers.


Kind regards, 

Kasey Thorne