Prep - 2 Community

P- 2 Community – Afterschool events
This year saw the introduction of afterschool events for our Year 1 and 2 students. The program is designed to support the transition of students towards our camp program that commences in Year 3. In Term 3, our Year 2 students enjoyed a ‘stay late’ event, and last week our Year 1s enjoyed a tabloid sports afternoon.
Year 2 Stay Late
Friday 6 September, our Year 2 students experienced their first ever stay late event at school. Students enjoyed an afterschool snack of fresh fruit before heading outside. Our first group activity saw students participate in a scavenger hunt. The clues were quite tricky though our amazing students worked together in their teams to solve every clue. After celebrating our scavenger hunt success, we returned inside where a second activity was ready to go. Students decorated biscuits with icing, sprinkles and lollies then set them aside for dessert. By this stage we were all very hungry and ready to sit down for dinner where we enjoyed hot chips, pies and sausage rolls! Whilst we watched a movie and munched on some fresh popcorn a few students suggested it might be time for dessert. We managed to have some room left for dessert, our biscuits which were decorated earlier. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Our families arrived at 7:00 pm to pick up some very excited and tired students.
Year 1 Tabloid Sports afternoon
Year 1 students were counting down the days until it was their turn for a special afternoon. Wednesday 23 October, saw our students enjoy an after-school snack of oranges, apples and watermelon before heading outside for our tabloid sport rotations. Students were able to demonstrate our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Community throughout the afternoon. Rotations included Tug-of-war, Sack Race, Dress-up Relay, Parachute Fun and lastly the Egg and Spoon Race. As the wind to pick our egg and spoon races were quite challenging, where whereas the parachute activity really took off! At the conclusion of the tabloid sports carnival students were happy to return inside to enjoy delicious fairy bread, fruit and an ice-cold Zooper Dooper! Then 5:00 pm soon arrived along with our excited families ready to hear all about our fun afternoon.
Both events were a wonderful opportunity for our students to participate in a fun after school activity with new and old friends across the community. Thank you to our amazing teachers and staff who made these events so wonderful. We look forward to repeating these nights in 2025!
Kind regards,
Doreen Smider
P-2 Learning Community Leader