School News


Emily has worked very hard to perfect her hand and machine sewing skills this semester and finished her wall hanging this week. 

Body Respect

Recently, the HE81 Body Respect class had a guest speaker.  Police Officer, Hayley McDonald came in to present to the students. We explored cyber safety and the implications of unsafe online behaviour. We thank Hayley for her time and excellent presentation. 

Paddock to Plate

Students in class GE96 Paddock to Plate, have recently planted potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, seed tomato, and pumpkins in the school vegie garden.

Students are encouraged to bring more seedlings to plant, with the produce eventually being used in the Cafe or school kitchen. The students will look after and monitor the garden while they study the topics of biomes and urban agriculture. Hopefully with favourable weather and some loving attention, we will have some great results.