Relieving Principal's Report  

Miss Fletcher  

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Welcome back to Term 4. Term 4 is always an exciting time of year with lots of learning and celebrations planned. A special welcome to our new families who have enrolled this term. There are many things happening over the term for the students, teachers and parents/carers. Be sure to check the School Bytes App, Facebook, Seesaw, the school’s website and your child’s bag (on Wednesdays) for information regarding school events! 



On the last Friday of term, Mr Pitt, Miss Zanatta and I hosted a lovely morning tea for the children who had their names drawn from the Term 3 “Following the FAIR Rules at Assembly” box. We munched on cupcakes and chips, drank some juice and spoke about the plan for the school holidays. The students felt extra special as it was the last Principal’s Morning Tea with Mr Pitt! At the end of the morning tea, we awarded each student with a certificate. Congratulations to everyone, and a special mention to Miss Zanatta for organising the morning tea.





Kindergarten Transition commenced on Friday morning week 1. Attendance at each session is very important. The parent information sessions provide valuable information for families to support their child’s start to school life. Information will include supporting student learning in literacy and numeracy, Best Start assessment processes, strategies to support effective transition to school life and school procedures. The transition sessions for the 2025 students provides an opportunity for them to become familiar with the classroom environment and to meet some teachers and peers. It is an exciting time for the school and families. If you know of any families who have children starting school in 2025 and have not enrolled, can you please let them know to come and visit the office. If you have any questions regarding Kindergarten Transition, please contact the office. 



We are currently organising class structures for 2025, and we sent home a note regarding family plans for 2025. If you are returning to Fairvale PS in 2025 you do not need to anything, however, if you are planning on leaving OR returning a little late then we need you to complete the note. If you would like to speak to someone about this, please contact the office.  



Friday 25 October is World Teachers’ Day. This is a day that we celebrate all the wonderful things our teachers do for children all over our country. For us here at Fairvale, instead of a day, we always celebrate the whole week! We will acknowledge the dedicated, hardworking teaching staff we have here at Fairvale Public School. Don’t forget to say happy World Teachers’ Week to your teacher. You might decide to surprise him or her with a special card, poem or even a song – I know they will appreciate your kindness. Don’t forget our support teachers who also work with all our children each and every day. We have some surprises up our sleeves!




This last fortnight I visited 6D and 1J.


6 Davenport – On Monday I visited 6D and Miss David during their weekly Fair Core Capability lesson focusing on how to show kindness. On arrival, Miss David and 6D were brainstorming how students can show kindness. I can’t share much about my visit because they have a secret mission…... I can’t wait to see how it goes!  


I had an awesome visit with 6D - thank you for being so kind to me! 


1 Jenner - During my visit with 1J and Miss Volpato, students were working on their Initial Lit Literacy booklets. I was able to spend some time reading with some of the students. Some students were even reading chapter books! They shared some of their speeches from Term 3, I couldn’t believe they remembered them! I was very proud of them. 


Keep up the great work 1J!


Check out some of my pics in this edition of the school newsletter. 



Journey by Musa H

Fambam by Valerie. T




Chloe Fletcher

Relieving Principal 

I respect and acknowledge First Nations people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit.