
During Maths last week the students were involved in activities using money! They were very excited to use the ‘play money’ to go shopping, plan a party and book shopping using the Book Club catalogues.
This term during Writing, we are learning about writing letters. Our students will be involved in an Australian wide letter writing swap, where all students in the class will write and receive a letter to and from another class in a similar grade level at a participating school! We have been learning about the structure of letters and last week we brainstormed all the things we could write about ourselves and our school. Miss. Vanessa also brought in her favourite childhood book and read it to the class. The Jolly Postman! The class absolutely loved it!
Here are some photos of our creative Milliners! Students had to use their creativity, innovation and design skills to create a hat or fascinator with no direction from the teacher! We then conducted a hat parade with 1/2N in the Red Centre! We were very impressed with their design skills.
Our first Soccer Clinic was an absolute hit and the weather was also perfect. The students can’t wait for their next clinic on Tuesday 12th November.
Cranbourne Botanic Gardens
Yesterday we had an amazing day at the Cranbourne Botanic Gardens. Look out for the next newsletter for more photos as well as lots of our thoughts about what we liked, what we learnt and what we found really interesting about our time in the Gardens.
Mass Reminder
A friendly reminder that our 1/2T Term 4 Mass is on Tuesday 29th October at 9.15am and you are all welcome to attend.