Physical Education

Extra-Curricular Sports Calendar:
Term 4
- 29 October 2024 – Division Cricket (Grade 5/6)
- 31 October 2024 – Regional Basketball (qualifying students)
- 6 November, 2024 – State Athletics (qualifying students)
- 13 November 2024 – Regional Cricket (qualifying students)
P-2 Sports Day
As it is with outdoor events, try as we might we were not able to control the weather last week and our Prep to grade two Sports Day had to be postponed. We will endeavour to find another suitable time on our calendar this year to fit it in and let families know as soon as we can. Apologies to anyone who’s plans were affected by this.
Congratulations Will
Will R from grade s is continuing in his passion for basketball and has selected for the Basketball Victoria Gold nugget camp which is a selection camp for two tournaments which he has been selected into this squad as first emergency. Well done, Will, and all the best for your training and games!
Get Active Victoria $200 vouchers
To encourage children to get active, applications are open with Get Active Victoria for eligible families and activities to receive a $200 voucher towards your child’s sport registration, membership, uniform or equipment. Apply for a voucher while the round is open and use it for a summer sport, winter sport or term-based activity until vouchers expire.
What to bring to P.E.
Just a reminder for all students to bring with them their P.E. shoes, drink bottles and hats to their P.E. classes. This allows us to make the most of our lessons together. Thanks to everyone who continues to remember these.