Teaching and Learning

Home Reading
At last Friday’s Grade 3/4 assembly we acknowledged all students in those year levels who have successfully completed 200 (or more) nights of home reading. These students have also demonstrated a great deal of commitment and organisational skills by recording all books that they have read in their reading diary and submitting their diary on time each week as part of the homework expectations. A huge congratulations to the following students:
Assessment and Reporting
As part of our assessment and reporting process, an end of year report will be prepared for each student by classroom and specialist teachers. These reports will be made available to parents and carers via Compass on Friday, December 6th.
In addition to a written report, a Parent Teacher Interview is also offered in Term four for any parents or carers who wish to discuss their child’s report in greater detail. Parent Teacher Interviews will be offered on Monday, December 9th (1:30-5:00pm) and Wednesday, December 11th (4:00-6:00pm). Further details will be communicated via Compass and the school newsletter soon regarding how to make a booking for these interviews. Times will be available for all classroom and specialist teachers.
Swimming Dates/Reminders
The swimming program continues next week for all Year 5/6 classes and 4AC.
The cost of the program (including transport) is $57.00. The event requires consent and payment via Compass and is currently visible for all families.
Any families that have a CSEF credit, may use your credit to pay for swimming. A reminder also to any families who may require a payment plan to pay for swimming, to please contact the school office to make arrangements.
Grade 5/6 Grade 4AC | Term 4 Week 4 28/10-1/11 | 9:30-10:15 (GR & JO) 10:15- 11:00 (JA & BB) 11:00-11:45 (MM & TD) 11:45-12:30 (BW & JM) 12:30-1:15 (4CA) |