Principal's Report

Well done to our grade 5-6 staff team who did an excellent job organising and running last week’s Halls Gap camp. Thanks also to the contingent of parents who went along to help out and did an excellent job.
Overall, both camps were very successful. Whilst the rain did impact slightly on the Wednesday to Friday group, the kids had a great time and did an excellent job engaging with all of the activities. The kids are to be congratulated on their attitude and behaviour, which resulted in a positive and supportive environment for both camps.
The Quad grouped then backed up with two days at Sovereign Hill, so it would have been an early night on Friday for students and staff. Later this week the BER 5-6s have their turn at Sovereign Hill.
Deciding to postpone the Prep to grade 2 sports on Thursday last week turned out to be a good call given the rain that arrived on Friday. The plan now is to find an alternative date, so keep an eye out for an announcement.
Term fo is slipping by and next month the process of organising students into classes for next year will begin. If there are significant issues we need to be aware of when allocating your child to a class, please make sure they have been made known to Nicole, Narelle or myself by Friday, November 15th. Teachers will be meeting soon after to begin sorting children into classes.
It is not our intention to provide parents with the opportunity to select a teacher of choice. We have developed a very strong teaching team, and parents can be confident the needs of their child will be met by any member of our team.
Developing well-balanced classes is best for everyone and that can be made difficult if there are large numbers of requests – as such, it is important that placement requests be founded on significant reasons and not related to specific teachers.
We try to accommodate parent requests relating to student placements, but you will understand this is not always possible.
It is also important when we come to organise classes that we know of students who will not be at our school next year. If your family is moving on, please let us know as soon as possible.