Student Health

Spring is in the air . . . and so are the pollens! During the months of October to December, asthma and hay fever symptoms increase due to airborne grass pollens.


If your child suffers from asthma, could you please make sure that he/she has their relieving medication and spacer with them in their school bag.


If your child is prone to hay fever, please give them their medication before coming to school. We do not keep hay fever medication at the school. 


If your child does exhibit any hay fever symptoms during the school day and cannot be treated, they will be required to be collected.


Parents are more than welcome to have hay fever medication at the school for their child as long as they have signed a consent form and provided the medication in its original packaging. 

This medication will be kept in the sick bay.


Medication consent forms are available at the office and can be emailed upon request.


Daily pollen updates and forecasts are available at

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