School News

Maths Talent Quest Awards
On Thursday 17 October, Katie and Charlie from 1CA travelled by train to RMIT University in the city to the Maths Talent Quest Award Ceremony.
There, they collected a High Distinction certificate on behalf of their class project titled “What’s for lunch?” We are very proud of them getting up on the stage in front of so many people.
All the students who entered a project into the Maths Talent Quest for this year did an amazing effort and will receive a certificate at assembly.
Sports Gear for Cambodia
On Monday 14 October, the Level 3 and 4 students had a soccer clinic with Mr. Farmer (Ex Jells Park PS PE Teacher) and some of his students from St. Andrews Christian College.
Mr. Farmer and his students will be travelling to Cambodia over the summer break as a Service mission to support schools and communities less fortunate than our.
The students from St. Andrews took us for some soccer rotations on the oval.
Some of the activities were the tiger’s tails, soccer match with random rules and knockout.
In the soccer match, the coaches threw in random rules like hold your hand up in the air, you’re allowed to use your hand (basically handball), you had to play in slow motion and you had to say a compliment every time you kicked the ball. It was great fun and the different rules were a challenge.
It was great to have them help out at Jells Park PS.
The students and Mr. Farmer also spoke at Assembly about their upcoming experience in Cambodia. Our Junior School Council is helping Mr Farmer and St Andrews College collect much need soccer equipment to take to Cambodia.
A list of donatable items can be found on the JSC page.
Uniform Shop - New Address
The Uniform shop is now located at:
405 Princes Highway
Nobile Park 3174
Ph: 9070 8284