Pupil of the week 

Term 2 - Week 8

Pupil of the week - Friday 7th June


Zoe M  - for your amazing writing about dogs. Great work using finger spaces! 


Fiona G - for being a mindfulness superstar! Thank you for being a wonderful role model to your friends.

Eisha S - for your fantastic writing about your new baby sisters! You can hear so many phonemes in words!


Harrie O- For always pursuing your personal best. The effort you put into the presentation of all your work is impressive.

Kai D- For the effort and knowledge you share during all our THRASS sessions. You always share the most insightful reasonings during our learning time.


Archie C For always pursuing your personal best. I love the way you apply yourself to your learning. Keep up the awesome effort!

Taylor P For your amazing star of the day presentation! You spoke with such confidence and we learnt so much about Highland Cows!


Jaxon B - for working hard to achieve your goals this week. Keep it up!

Fred B - for the consistent effort you have shown with your Hot Words and learning them all. Amazing work!


Liam- For the effort and time you spent working on your information report about penguins. Great work!

Kayley- For writing a terrific information report about lizards. Well done!


Debbie Q - For your commitment to bringing joy to our classroom everyday with your jokes, stories and cheeky grin. Thank you Debbie!

AJ - For pursuing your personal best in all partner activities - well done AJ!


Zeph - for working really hard to develop a narrative plan independently. We are proud of your work this week. 

Evie - for writing an excellent narrative including many of the techniques you have learnt in class. Well done!


Millie G - for the exceptional editing of your narrative. Well done for using the dictionary to double check the spelling of tricky words. 

Lily B - for being an enthusiastic learner who shows respect, kindness and resilience everyday in the classroom. 


Olivia Mc - For your positive commitment to being the best version of yourself. You should be proud.

Eddie P-  For always being a pleasant and friendly member of the class. You alway try to do your personal best.


Sarah A - for being an amazing fluency friend. You listen with your whole body and give feedback whilst being respectful. Well done! 

Chris B - for the dedication you have shown when writing your narrative. You've done an amazing job!


Emelia S - for your initiative in the classroom on a daily basis and for working so hard during our spelling and Reader's Workshops.

Lachlan A - for your excellent work ethic across all areas of your learning. Your independence during tasks is inspiring!


Flynn T - For always striving for your personal best, you excel in everything you do!

River N - For the creativity you are infusing into your poetry, so impressive!


Austin H - for always completing a consistently high standard of work. 


Kailyn V - For your willingness and initiative to help out around the classroom. Thank you for always looking out for others and being a caring class member. 

Amelia P - For the enthusiasm you have shown in your writing, particularly in creating your entertaining personal narrative. I’m so proud of your persistence and creativity! 


Leana.C-For working so hard on your personal narrative. You have created a wonderful piece!

Zara.M-For your boost in confidence to contribute to class discussions. Well done!


Scarlett A - for having the courage to use your voice in a positive way. Your friends are lucky to have you!

Ben J - for the dedication you have shown when finishing your writing pieces. We are so proud of you!