
Sustainability News - June 4th
Kalinda is a ResourceSmart School
Our student Sustainability Captains, Issy and Layla, are working together with our Sustainability Coordinator, Mrs Smith, and environment team to reduce our school’s environmental footprint.
As a Sustainable School, Kalinda encourages our school community to take ownership and pride in our environment. We aim to achieve this through efficient and considered use of resources, responsible waste reduction and management, development and promotion of biodiversity and integration of sustainability across the curriculum. We advocate for sustainability and support our school and educators on their journey towards sustainable living.
We are a registered ResourceSmart School. RSS is a Victorian Government program that assists schools with their sustainability journey. We are working towards becoming a five star school.
Sustainability Awards
Castiel C 1B - For his amazing effort picking up rubbish and doing his best to keep Kalinda clean!
Fin O FW - For looking after the environment by picking up lots of rubbish!
Eli F 5/6KB - For going out with your bucket and tongs to keep our school clean!
Charlotte H 2S - For going out with your bucket and tongs to keep our school clean!
Emiliya H 2S - For going out with your bucket and tongs to keep our school clean!
Mrs Steele - For always looking out for rubbish around the yard and picking it up when you’re on yard duty! You’re a great role model.
Thank you for helping us make Kalinda a clean and sustainable school!
Thank you.
Issy and Layla