
This term the Science focus is on Chemical Science. In Prep the students are learning to identify various materials that objects are made from and are practicing sorting these objects based on different characteristics. Through hands-on activities and discussions, students are gaining insights into why certain materials are more suitable for specific purposes, such as providing shade or resisting water.
In Grade 1/2 students are investigating the physical changes of materials and how properties change when materials stretch, bend, twist, heat or cool. Students predict how materials will vary and whether they can be returned to their original state.
The Grade 3/4 students are exploring how changes in state from solid to liquid and liquid to solid can be caused by adding or removing heat. Throughout the term students will Grow their understanding that matter can be classified as a solid, liquid or gas. Explore the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Observe how adding or removing heat can change the properties of a material. Investigate what happens when heat is applied to a range of solids. Investigate what happens when heat is removed from a range of liquids. Explore how changes from solid to liquid and liquid to solid can help in the process of recycling plastic.
In Grade 5/6 the students are learning about the concept that solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways. They will engage in tasks that explore the way solids, liquids and gases change in different situations and recognise that substances exist in different states depending on the temperature.