Year 5/6

This term as a community we decided to offer choice with our novel study unit with Specky Magee and Coraline as the options. Students then opted into the novel of their choice and are working with students from both 5/6 classes.
Specky Magee is focusing on the role sports plays in the development of our young people. Themes throughout the story involve friendship, persistence, family dynamics and overcoming set backs. At the conclusion of each chapter, students focus on the key vocabulary used, settings, a summary of the chapters key points and also the themes identified.
Coraline is a novel which takes her exploring as she unlocks a door that leads to a different world. At first it looks familiar, even intriguing, but Coraline quickly learns that evil lurks. One of the key topics of the book is the idea of ‘being heard’. Coraline tries to talk to different people about what's going on in her life, including her parents, her neighbours, even the police. But she always feels like no one listens or cares about her.
Text Analysis
Whilst studying our selected class novels Specky Magee and Coraline, students have been analysing how authors use themes, higher level topic vocabulary, topics within the text and vocabulary to describe how a character is feeling.
During our Poetry unit, students produced their own poem booklet that included all the different types of poetry that we studied. These booklets were then presented to our Prep community as a way to engage and connect with.
Junior and Senior students.
Over the past few weeks we have been exploring different strategies used to solved problems using a range of different Multiplication strategies. These strategies provide students with options for solving problems in a way that suits their learning style.
Students have now started planning for their Market Day stalls and are getting excited to produce stalls that our fellow students will enjoy making purchases from. There will be a range of food stalls, entertainments stall and also stalls selling handmade products.
There will be more details to come with additional information over the next few weeks.
Upcoming dates:
Friday 31st May - SSA Football and Netball (Selected students)