Year 3/4

In Reading this term, student's have been learning about the features of non-fiction texts and identifying the purpose and audience of a variety of non-fiction texts.
In Sounds-Write, students are currently exploring the /ie/ sound, and learning the different spellings to enable them to read and spell words with more accuracy.
Each day students participate in a different fluency activity, using the same text for the week. This week, we read about 'Numbats'. Students completed activities like choral reading, echo reading and partner reading, to support them in developing fluency.
This term in Writing, students have been working in partners on an advertising project to create a commercial to sell a unique product they had invented. Students used their knowledge of persuasive techniques to create engaging and persuasive commercials. We encourage families to engage with the Seesaw platform to see their child's amazing advertisement.
Our focus in literacy currently is Information Texts. Students will begin a project next week, where they will research a topic of their choice to create an Information Text to read with the Grade 1/2 students.
During Maths this term, students have been learning a variety of addition and subtraction strategies, practicing and using these strategies to solve worded problems and play cooperative maths games. Currently, students are learning a variety of multiplication and division strategies.
In Humanities this term, students are learning how to build their own coding algorithms using the online program Scratch. This links in well with our unit on Digital Technologies.
Kids helpline: Resilience Workshops
On the 14th of May, Year 4 students participated in a resilience workshop ran by KidsHelpline. The students focused on the power of positive self talk and perseverance. Students played lots of games, practised positive self-talk, motivational speaking, and discussed the power the growth mindsets. Our Year 4 students will get the opportunity to engage in a session next week.
From Week 7, the Year 3 and 4 students will begin a new unit of work where they will be partaking in a series of Wellbeing lessons with a strong focus on relationships. During these weekly lessons, the students will focus on developing the interpersonal skills needed to establish and maintain positive relationships, including conflict, negotiation and resolution. By the end of these lessons, students should be able to:
- Use conflict resolution that achieves mutually satisfactory resolutions by addressing the needs of all concerned
- Distinguishing between positive and negative peer pressure
- Identify bullying behaviour and how it affects people
It’s important to remember that we’re all in this together, supporting each other every step of the way. If you or your child have any questions, suggestions or success stories to share, please do not hesitate to reach out. Below are some ways that you can further assist your child at home. Here’s to ensuring the remainder of the term is filled with kindness, empathy and meaningful connections!
Education week: Spotlight on STEM
On the 17th of May, 3/4 opened their classroom doors to families to come and join us to celebrate education week. The focus this year was on STEM. 3/4 students made Newton colour spinners. Students created colourful discs attached to string. When they were spun, this turn the wheel white. White light is made up of lots of different colours and by spinning the colours on the disc, the eye combines the spinning colours and sees the disc as if it were white.
Thank you to all of the families that were able to come in and help us with this experiment.
Dale Evans, Kylie Craig, Emma Rodgers, Jess Jones and Mikhala Vawdrey.