Where has the term gone? We are halfway through the term already and it's been wonderful! We have continued to work hard this term and are learning lots of new things. The students had a nice surprise when the Kindergarten Teachers came to visit to check out some of their awesome work and what they have been up to! Thank you again for your support in helping us celebrate Education Week – A Spotlight on STEM. It was a fun afternoon for all involved. We also were involved in National Simultaneous Storytime on the 23/5. The whole school (and schools across Australia) read Bowerbird Blues all at the same time!
Sounds Write
In Sounds Write, we have been working on learning new sounds. We have begun exploring the letters j, w and z. Students have been working on word building, through segmenting the sounds in words and then blending the sounds to then read the word.
In Reading, we have been exploring pattern books. Students have been identifying the pattern in the book and using this to predict what will happen next. Students have stretched this understanding of pattern books and have practised making text-to-text connections. We have looked at how books make us think about other books, for example, a character, a setting, or a problem. Check out our examples below!
In Writing, we have been writing letters. We have included a greeting, a question, a message, and a sign-off. The Preps have been very proud of what they have been making, demonstrating a solid understanding of sound-to-letter relationships to write these letters. Check out some examples below!
In Maths, we have been learning about the days of the week. Students have been exploring the order of the days in a week along with different events that match those days, for example when they have specialists or things like Auskick and Net Set Go. We have also explored how to add single-digit numbers together, using counters and tens frames to develop the skills of adding numbers together. Additionally, we have been answering yes or no questions to create graphs, for example, do you have a pet? Or do you have a sibling? Students have turned the information into tally graphs or picture graphs. Check out our work below!
In Geography, we have been learning about special places. We will continue to explore how different places mean different things to different people. We explored the language of the Wadawurrung people and connected these to words that we know.
In Wellbeing, we have been learning about personal strengths. We have had a focus on being kind and being brave. Along with developing an understanding of our school values, Respectful, Responsible and Exceptional.
Brave Hearts
- Wednesday 29th May
Take Home Readers
- Readers will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Thank you for your support in reading with your child each night.
Fruit Snack
- Thank you to those families that continue to send their child’s fruit snacks in a separate container or something they can hold in one hand, so students do not need to bring their whole lunch box to the carpet or their tables during learning time.