Acting Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing 

Mr Thymon Venter

Mother's Day Postcards

As part of our Extended Pastoral Care Program at the College, we have implemented a Big Brother program that is run between Year 7 and 11 students. The goal is to foster connections with Senior students to build strong and healthy relationships. As part of this program, students developed and created postcards to celebrate Mother's and Carer's Day. It is important for our young men to celebrate and thank the strong female or caring figures in their lives.

Middle Years House Leaders

On Tuesday 14 May, we had a special Middle Years Assembly (Years 7-8) where we proudly commissioned our Middle Years House Leaders for 2024. It was a joy to see these students stepping into their roles with enthusiasm and dedication.


Our Middle Years House Leaders for 2024 are:

  • Dwyer House: Flynn Hooker (Year 7) and Chimdalu Ndupu (Year 8 )
  • Doyle House: Winston Marriner (Year 7) and Oliver D'Silva (Year 8 )
  • Hessian House: Ethan Connolly (Year 7) and Oliver Sharpen (Year 8 )
  • Joyce House: Parker Matthews (Year 7) and Kai Martin (Year 8 )

Congratulations to all the newly commissioned leaders! We look forward to a fantastic year ahead.

Linewire - Pulse (Wellbeing Application)

SVC has partnered with Linewire, a student wellbeing company, to implement an application to track, record, and implement student wellbeing. Students are asked to do a fun and easy weekly check-in lasting just 60 seconds. During each check-in, students are encouraged to reflect on their mental, social, and physical well-being by answering five random evidence-based questions from the ARACY framework, starting with a simple yet crucial question, “How are you feeling today?”


When a student flags that they need help, Linewize Pulse will connect them with a trusted teacher, school leader, or administrator of their choosing. It gives students a channel to speak up and gives leaders better visibility of well-being levels across the school, including students in need of rapid intervention.


The Linewire Pulse App will be rolled out at the College in Term 3, with staff familiarising themselves with the application prior to being distributed to students. Further information about the App will be circulated in due course.