Acting Deputy Principal

Mrs Kim Mooney

Years 10 – 12 Exams

Our block exam period is quickly approaching. Please note the following dates for our Years 10-12 exams:

  • Year 10 Exams: 11–18 June
  • Year 11/12 Exams: 19–21 June

The Senior students will have an assembly next Thursday during PC where the exam processes, including uniform expectations and bus arrangements, will be discussed. Shortly after this, a communication will be sent to parents/carers and students with all the information about exams. Please ensure we have your most up-to-date contact details so you receive this important correspondence.


Mr Dave Webster has organised a series of “drop-in” sessions for our students to help them prepare for exams. This week, he covered basic study and organisation techniques. Next week, Miss Talea Paraskevas will do essay writing in exams. The following sessions will look at general mathematics skills and effective use of calculators. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend these each Wednesday lunchtime in the STEM room.