5/6 T

JPC Transition Day
The grade five students were invited to John Paul College on Wednesday to get a taste of high school. While we were there they went to a science and a cooking class. In the food technology rooms, they used their 5 senses to describe food and got to do a blind taste test.
In the science rooms, the students engaged in 4 different experiments to test different chemical reactions.
Over the last two weeks, we have been focusing on fractions in maths. Students have been provided with opportunities to use concrete materials to show their understanding of fractions.
They have enjoyed playing games such as 'colour a fraction' which helps them recognise equivalent fractions and 'spin to win', allowing the students to compare the fractions' size better.
Upcoming events
Wednesday 12th June Bayside District Lightning Premiership. The students will be going to either Jubilee Park to play netball or Ballam Park for Soccer. Parents are welcome to come and watch.