

As part of our Inquiry work, we have been considering ways we can have a positive impact on our environment. One of these ways is to reduce the amount of waste we produce. 

We recorded data from our lunchboxes, counting the different types of wrappers, containers and food scraps that we collected over the day. Then we thought about ways we could minimise the types of waste that can’t be reused or recycled 

by designing lunch boxes without any landfill waste. 


Education in Faith

The 1/2 classes were lucky to have Ms Marion visit to talk with us about the Catholic Liturgical calendar. She shared information about the main events that occur throughout the year and explained which colour is representative of which liturgical season. We also got to work out what colour represents the time of year that matches with our birthday!



During maths we used colour, shape and objects to create, identify and continue patterns. These repeating patterns have a ‘unit’ or piece that repeats over and over. Next we explored a range of ‘growing’ patterns - ones that increase (or decrease) by a set amount. These growing patterns always follow a rule. 

Number patterns are a type of growing pattern.



Counting is very important, as it is used in so many areas of life!

Being able to fluently count backwards and forwards from all different starting points is essential to developing our mathematical skills.  

Practising counting on a regular basis at home 

is a great way to help build our fluency and confidence. 


Here is a list of counting skills that students in Grades 1 & 2 are working towards. 

The skills in set 1 should be mastered first, before moving on to the skills in set 2.

Set 3 skills are an extra challenge, for students who are fluent with the set 1 & 2 skills. 


Enjoy your extra long weekend! 

We look forward to seeing you again next Tuesday.