Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 2 - Week 8
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
I have noticed the local parking officers out on Park street twice in the last week. Please be careful if you are parking opposite of the school during the 5-minute periods. The last thing we want is for any of our school families to receive a fine. Just a reminder that it is 5-minute parking from 8:30am - 9:00am and also from 3:15pm - 3:45pm on school days. Please make sure you move in and out of those spaces quickly
First Eucharist
On Sunday morning, four students from St Francis Xavier Primary School came to Mass to receive their first Eucharist. It was a beautiful and sacred celebration of the Mass led by Father Chinua. These children, supported by their parents and teachers have prepared well in their learning about the Eucharist and shown considerable commitment to their faith journeys as they attended commitment Masses and workshops. I want to most sincerely thank Father Chinua, the parishioners of St Francis Xavier, our wonderful teachers Lisa Johnson and Brendan Adcock and also Marion O'Brien, our Religious Education leader for all their work.
Welcome to Mr Will
Thank you to everybody in our school community who has made Mr Will feel so welcome since he joined our staff a few weeks ago. Mr Will is teaching in Grade 5/6WG from Wednesday - Friday, replacing Ms Ashleigh who has commenced her Maternity Leave.
Cross Country
I admire the determination, resilience and courage of the 3 S.F.X students who last week participated at the Regional Cross Country event in Hastings. Amelie L, Macey B and Alisha L all finished in the top 10 at the prior District event, automatically qualifying them for the next level of competition. All three girls should be extremely proud of their efforts, especially as they were competing against the fastest runners from over 50 local schools.
Last Minute Reminders
- 2025 Prep Enrolments. If you know anyone who is looking for a school for their child for the 2025 school year, please let them know that they are welcome to phone the school office to make an appointment for a school tour and a conversation with me. I would be delighted to showcase our wonderful school, its students and all it has to offer. We are conducting Prep Interviews over the last few weeks of Term 2.
- John Paul College enrolment applications for current Grade 5 students who will be starting Year 7 in 2026 close on August 16th. If you are considering enrolling at JPC but are yet to lodge the paperwork, please jump onto the website which will guide you through the required steps.
Child Safety Standards
All organisations in Victoria that provide services or facilities for children, including St Francis Xavier Primary School, are required to comply with Child Safe Standards. This is to ensure that the safety of children is promoted, child abuse is prevented and allegations of child abuse are properly responded to.
From 1 July 2022, 11 new Victorian Safe Standards replaced the seven previous Child Safe Standards (and principles) which had been in place since 2016.
The revised Victorian CSS support greater national consistency, reflecting the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, which were developed following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The CSS include new requirements, including:
- the involvement of families and students in child safety efforts
- focus on the safety of Aboriginal children and young people
- management of the risk of child abuse in online environments
- governance, systems and processes to keep students safe.
More information on the standards can be found on the Commission for Children and Young People website.
During the school review process in Term Four last year, we were able to demonstrate our compliance with the standards through quite a rigorous audit. The school has a Child Safety Team, who have the responsibility of ensuring that our school remains compliant with the standards. The team consists of;
- Miss Melissa - (Child Safety Team Leader)
- Mr Steve
- Miss Marion
This team will be working hard and meeting regularly to ensure that child safety is always a priority at S.F.X, and that students, staff and families know that there is support available to them from within our school community if they have any concerns whatsoever.
JPC Food Drive
The College is running a Winter Food Drive for the Community Companion Food and Outreach Van.
The Community Companion Van provides necessities and companionship to less fortunate individuals in the Frankston community.
Throughout the winter season, JPC is seeking non-perishable pantry items and snacks for distribution through our Community Companion Van.
Donation Items Needed:
Muesli Bars Protein Bars/Balls Chips, Crackers, Biscuits, Tinned Tuna, Meat Jerky, Tinned Vegetables and Tinned Soups
How to Donate:
Members of the community can also drop off donations to the main reception @ JPC. SFX students can drop donations into our own school office and we can organise delivery to JPC.
We look forward to welcoming everybody back to school on Tuesday 11th June, after the King's Birthday long weekend.
Have a great weekend.
Steve Peart
School Principal