NDIS Navigator

Libby Anderson 

Update re contacting the NDIS:

The number of people contacting NDIS is higher than usual, and this means it is taking them longer than normal to get back to everyone. NDIS staff and NDIS partners are working hard to prioritise applicant and participant requests, starting with the most urgent cases.

Once you have let NDIS know about your request and have a reference number for it, you don’t need to call NDIS again. They will be in touch as soon as they can.


Click this link for further information about support budgets in your plan:



If you would like to speak to an NDIS staff member, the NDIS Connections Desk is available at local libraries.

Finding all the NDIS info and proposed changes overwhelming?  You are not alone!  Come and join us for an open forum.

Kim Henderson, an advocate for NDIS in the disability sector, will do a presentation about what the proposed changes are.  This will be followed by an open forum where you can ask questions.

Our peer lived experience team will also be in attendance as will staff from Carer Gateway.

Entry includes light refreshments.  

Cost:   FREE

Location: Karralyka Theatre

22A Mines Rd, Ringwood East, 3135


To register click here