From our Assistant Principal

Judith McDonald

Traffic Safety

A reminder about safety at the front of the school and the start and end of day. Please do not turn in and reverse out of the driveway entrance and exits. We suggest parents and carers travel via Olympus Drive, Homer Avenue and Bacchus Drive so you are on the left hand side for parking out of the front of the school. 

It is preferable for students and parents to enter via the pedestrian gate away from the traffic entering the driveway.

Please be aware of vehicles exiting the driveway if you are walking past on the footpath..

The safety of all students, families and staff is important to us and a shared responsibility. 

Screen Time 

We know that many of our children and young people are motivated by technology, using iPads, phones and computers. These devices are accessible and provide instant feedback via images and sound which our students enjoy. The eSafety Commissioner website  has some great information to for parents and carers about supporting their children to access technology in a safe and appropriate way, particularly if they are accessing online 

Please take the opportunity to have a look at the information below.