National Gallery of Victoria
From Federation Square we walked along St Kilda Road. We arrived at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to see the international art exhibition. I took a closer look at the door - it was a water wall! Outside the NGV entrance stands a big thumb statue. The ceilings has different coloured glass. These sculptures are very exquisite. The NGV displays many paintings. They are unique. I was surprised to see the ‘Weeping Women’ by Pablo Picasso. (Brian Lin)
The IELC class took a tram to the Shrine of Remembrance. Harrison was our guide and he told us about the story of the Gallipoli boat, wartime nurses, uniforms, how they sent letters and how long they waited. And I was most impressed with the room where there were many flags, and the statues of father and son facing each other in the middle of the room. This statue represents World War I and World War II. We have seen many medals for bravery. (Thy Ta)
From Flinders Street Station, we walked to Federation Square to see the Australian art collection. At the National Gallery of Victoria, I’m happy because I saw many Australian a picture in this museum. Here, I can learn more about Australian people and life. It is interesting. (Yihan Wang)
After we had arrived at Flinders Street Station, I drank a cup of hot chocolate and commenced the journey to the Aboriginal gallery. I could feel the souls and hear the breathing of the Aboriginal ancestors throughout their dotted artwork.
From the top of the universe and down to the mysterious red land, the sound, the scent of desert, ran through this gallery. (Sonnet Jiang)
From Federation Square we walked along St Kilda Road. We arrived at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to see the international art exhibition. At an international art gallery, I saw many incredibly amazing and beautiful paintings.
These paintings and sculptures are all wonderful, and made from many great artists from different countries. The art work contains hints of fashionable things from that period of time. (Quinglin Yang)
Shrine of Remembrance
After we spent a long time walking around, we took a tram to the Shrine of Remembrance. We ate lunch at the park and took some photos in front of bamboo trees, it reminded me of my country. Finally, I could get inside the building. It was built like a pyramid. Harrison was our tour guide and he showed us the Gallipoli boat, the uniform of soldiers and nurses and around 4000 medals. They also have the terms “Greater Love Hath No Man” and “Lest We Forget” to commemorate all the soldiers and nurses who sacrificed so much in the World Wars.
Harrison led us to the top of the building and showed us the panorama view. From a distance, I could see William Barak’s face between two buildings. Unfortunately, that day it was quite cloudy so we couldn’t see his face clearly. (Helena Nguyen)
The IELC class took the tram to the Shrine of Remembrance. Harrison was our guide. World War I was very bad. Too many people die in the war. So many Anzac soldiers were brave. They had different jobs before the war. Maybe some were farmers, police, teachers or cooks. (Yaron Yang)
We went to Flinders Street Station and walked to the National Gallery of Victoria. The excursion was o the 3rd of May 2024. We went to see N.G.V. International in St Kilda road. Also we went to see the Shrine of Remembrance. It was amazing. I feel sad about World War I. I’m happy about the things that I learn. I learned lots of things about the world war. (Surath Fernando)
The IELC class took a tram to the Shrine of Remembrance. Harrison was our guide. The outside of the Shrine of Remembrance is interesting because the building is magnificent. I looked the eternal flame. The flame is a symbol of eternal life. Which I thought was amazing.
At the interior of the Shrine of Remembrance, I saw a Gallipoli boat, soldiers' uniforms and many war medals. The medals representing victorians who served in the WWⅠ. I put on a slouch hat, and my classmate Surath wore the soldier’s kit. I learned a lot about WWI. I also learnt, ‘Lest We Forget’. (Yujing Yang)