Year 4 Urban Gardening

We have been growing a lot of stuff including vegetables. We planted carrots and we have been sifting the compost so that we can use fresh soil to plant more plants which we sold in term 2. We planted beans and now we can watch them grow. We also shred paper to put into the compost bins We have done weeding and mulching to keep our new plants safe and healthy.
In gardening, we have been working extra hard to grow lemons, parsley, carrots, tomatoes, celery, lettuce, pumpkin and much more. We have been raising money to improve our gardening supplies such as paper shredders, new greenhouses and compost bins. We are gardening, selling, weeding and composting.
Also, we have been learning about the five R’s.
Here they are: Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Rot and Recycle. We made posters about the 5 R's and put them around the school for everyone to see.
Written by The Passionate Passionfruit Group 4B
This year we have been doing gardening as a class. The things we do in gardening are planting, composting, mulching, weeding, watering and shredding.
For weeding and mulching we used a weeder for digging out all of the weeds after that we get the mulch and put it all over the soil. For shredding we get two pieces of paper and shredded them into strips and put it in the compost bin.
The planting was also good. We got a nectarine tree, dug a hole, put the tree into the hole and buried it.
In composting, there was a thing called sifting. It was one of my favourite activities. I got a shovel, dug up some compost, put it in a sifting pan, sifted the compost and put it in a bucket. It was a lot like prospecting.( Looking for gold). This soil is used when we are planting seeds into punnets and we put them into our new green house.
Written by The Dirty Compost Group 4Z
The Year 4 students did a great job putting the green house together.