Physical Education

Rowan Doyle

In The 'Classroom'

What have we been learning about in Physical Education?


Over the past few weeks students across all year levels have moved inside the classroom and away from the frosty mornings we've been having. We have been focussing on the Health aspects of the HPE curriculum and exploring the idea of how exercise can affect your body and mind in positive ways as well as nutrition and healthy eating habits. 

Students in the junior years described how their bodies and mind felt before, during and after physical activity and identified how exercise is important for a persons physical and mental development. They identified different food groups and created healthy balanced meal plans.


Students in Years 3 and 4 planned and executed short exercise programs that allowed them to identify how their bodies and minds felt when resting compared to having an elevated heart rate. They discussed the importance of exercise in their weekly routine and how it can positively impact your physical and mental health. Students explored the healthy food choices associated with the 5 food groups and learnt how foods can affect our bodies and mood in different ways. They developed healthy meal plans and researched the energy content of their chosen foods.


Students in Years 5 and 6 developed their understanding of how exercise, in particular team sport, can impact a persons physical and mental health. They created posters to promote their favourite sport or exercise. Students identified how eating a balance of foods across the different healthy food groups can help our bodies and minds reach their full potential. They created meal plans using the 5 food groups and their daily energy requirements.

Cross Country

Congratulations to Vivienne Baker from Year 5 who competed at the Regional Cross Country Carnival on Wednesday the 12th of June. In a tough race and challenging course she had an amazing run, finishing in second place!! A fantastic achievement and a great reward for all of the hard work she has been putting in. We wish Vivi all the best as she now goes on to compete at the Victorian State Championships in August.

Karate News

Congratulations to Jayshan Kumaran in Year 5 for his selection in the Victorian State Karate Team. He will represent Victoria at the National Karate Championships in August. Jayshan is training hard for the upcoming event and we wish him the best of luck in the National Championships!

Girls Football Gala Day

A team of Year 5/6 girls headed down to Spring St Reserve on Thursday the 27th of June to complete in the District Girls Football Competition. The sun was shining and the girls were raring to go for their first match against Sandringham East Primary. The eventual runners up got the better of us in the first match as the girls started to work out their best playing positions. In our second match against Brighton Beach the scores were tied after regular time so an extended golden point scenario eventuated. After some tense moments and some fierce play from both teams a goal was scored by BRPS to land us our first win. We followed that up with another win against Brighton, keeping them scoreless for the match. The team was given an extra morale boost as Mr Muller made a surprise appearance to support the girls.


After finishing second in our pool, BRPS went on to play Beaumaris North in the preliminary final. After a quick start from Beau North our girls fought hard to compete against a strong team who ended up being the Grand Final winners. BRPS showed resilience to attack the runners up final against Beaumaris early in the game but were eventually overrun as fatigue set in from a long hard day of AFL. Finishing 4th on the day was a great achievement, well done girls (sorry we made you walk home after 5 games...).


Thankyou to the parents who came to watch and Mr Badman for being a great coach. 

Dance Aerobics Competition

Congratulations to the students who did such a great job at the aerobics competition on Sunday. There were some amazing results, including a few 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

After wow-ing us with their routines  last week during a practice run in the stadium,  the students  represented the school so well and were so supportive of one another.

Thank you to Tanya Perera for her outstanding preparation of the girls through the dance classes in the lead up!

Run Club

Thankyou to Debbie Halas and Susanne Baker for organising the Run Club throughout this term and thankyou to the teachers who volunteered their time to supervise each week. Well done to the students who have continued to brave the increasingly colder mornings to get out and get active before starting their school day. 


Susanne and Debbie would love to keep the Run Club going throughout Term 3 so please encourage your child/children to come along on a Wednesday at 8am and enjoy the fitness and fun. With the athletics carnival coming up in August there may be some greater emphasis on shorter distance running along with endurance for events like the 800m and 1500m.


A reminder that whilst the running club is predominantly aimed at the students in Years 4 - 6, younger students are welcome to attend. We are asking however that if your child in Foundation - Year 3 is going to attend that a parent also stays to supervise them in case the activity becomes a bit too much for them.

Key Upcoming Dates

BRPS Olympics Day - Friday 2nd August

House Athletics Carnival (4 - 6) - Thursday 15th August

Junior Hoop Time Year 3 + 4 (MSAC) - Tuesday 20th August

District Athletics Carnival (4 - 6) - Tuesday 17th September

Senior Hoop Time Year 5 + 6 (Frankston) - Date TBA