Performing Arts

Matt Halford - Performing Arts Teacher

In Performing Arts, we have been exploring pitch maps which represent the duration and patterns of melodies. 


Conor 2C: I like the patterns and sounds pitch maps can make.

Maggie 2C: I like pitch maps because they are fun to make lots of different sounds.





Sophie 2P: I like the way you can go up and down and back and forth.



We have been making and exploring the wonderful world of music on Chrome Lab on our Chromebooks. It can be accessed on any PC under Chrome Music Lab.


Jake 6M: I found it quite creative, and you can make your own music on it.

Luke 6M: I love the rhythms I can make on Spectrogram.





Beau 5M: I love how we get to make our own music.

Maya 5M: It’s fun and you can make your own beats.



Gemma 4H: Chrome Lab is very creative and different to other stuff.

James 4H: I like that you can play around music and make really cool stuff.    



Sophie 6L: It has lots of great different things to explore.

Max 6L: I like that you can test your musical skills in lots of different levels.



Freddie 3T: I can use technology to make wonderful music.

Rosie 3T: I like making my own music because it sounds really good.



Mia 4B: I like how it is really easy to make new music that I enjoy.

Leon 4B: I like how there are many different beats you can use to make interesting rhythms.



Kosta 3C:  I love being able to draw my music.  

Audrey 3C: I like the army music on the trombone on Spectogram.                                                                                                  



Mackenzie 5T: I love to experiment with all the different types of music.

Seb 5T: I like the Rhythm part where the two monkeys play the beats.





Holly 6B: I really like how we can create our own music.

Gus 6B: I really love the voice spinner.