Term 2 Update
There have been some exciting additions to the STEM program at BRPS this year so far, we have new furniture which has made the STEM room feel a lot nicer and more comfortable and the STEM captains have been running weekly STEM Club sessions with year 1’s and 2’s throughout the semester.
With our adopt an engineer program we had Rachel Bielleman from RMIT coming in on Tuesday’s to work with the year 3’s and 4’s. Rachel assisted the students through challenges on and the year 4’s were able to translated their learning of block coding to robotics by using our Dash robots to complete challenges.
Our STEM Captains Aliyah, James R, Garion and Ollie S have been working hard every Tuesday at lunch to run STEM Club sessions.
Garion and Ollie: "During the second term we have done a variety of activities including Sammy the Sandwich robot, and during the second half of the term, we have done building blocks and materials with the year 1's."
Term 3
In Term 3 we will have new engineer working with us, Serena Webster who is also from RMIT. Serena comes to us as a final year engineering graduate with a specialisation in 3D printing. This is great news as we have purchased a new 3D printer that will be utilised by our year 5 and 6 students during their integrated STEM blocks.
In Term 3 the year 6’s will be using Tinkercad to design a biome terrarium and in Term 4 the year 5’s will be investigating how to solve pollution problems through the design thinking process.
First Lego League
We are now into our 4th year of competing in FLL and we are registered for the Richmond Regionals at Melbourne Girls College on October 26th.
The competition is open to all Year 5 and 6 students, it requires lunch time and after school commitments. If you think your child might be interested in joining then please make sure they speak to Mr Littlehales.