Student of The Week Awards - June

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients for June

Scroll down to see all of the June awards!

Term Two - Week EIGHT


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Patrick O’Hare


Congratulations to Patrick in Foundation E for displaying excellent leadership. He has done a wonderful job by assisting others in the class, showing initiative by taking on more than one classroom job. This week, Patrick has proven himself to be a fantastic listener, when sitting on the floor. He has displayed respect towards others and when they speak, which has made him a great role model and leader for his classroom peers. Well, done Patrick and keep up the fantastic work!


Iylah Williams


This week Iylah has taken on her role as handy helper very enthusiastically. It has been wonderful to see how much she enjoys taking on classroom responsibilities. Iylah’s positive attitude makes a real difference in our learning environment. Well done Iylah!


Geoffrey Polites 

Jack Crow 

Teamwork and Leadership

Geoffrey has worked closely with his friend to create an amazing set of comics to include in our reading corner. The Danny series is a detailed, adventurous and humorous addition to our class library that is loved by all in 2P!  



Thomas Overell

Love of Learning

Thomas has applied himself enthusiastically during our writing sessions based on our class novel Matilda. He expanded his sentences by using interesting vocabulary, connectives, and metaphors. E.g. ”As the sun slowly said goodbye to the world, the nice, peaceful waves collided with the sand.”


Kosta Karanicolas

Curiosity & Leadership

Kosta is to be commended for demonstrating curiosity and leadership during our Year Three excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance! He participated positively in all activities and conversations, while respectfully asking our tour guides some marvellous questions. Kosta shared some knowledge of his own, and was a true role model for his 3C peers on the day.    


Abi Dillstone


Abi has been collaborating with her classmates throughout the year, contributing to a positive and productive learning environment in 4B.

Additionally, she has shown remarkable confidence in answering questions,

which has been excellent to see. Well done, Abi!



Cohen Billing

A Love of Learning

Cohen's love of learning, a brilliant light, shines through poetry, pure and bright.

Like a robin in spring, eager to explore, each lesson in verse opens a new door.

With passion and joy in every line, Cohen, your dedication is truly divine.


Christina Whitehead


Christina has shown incredible determination in tackling challenging tasks, like mastering dependent and independent clauses. What's even more impressive is her dedication to learning—she's been using her recess and lunch breaks to work on her learning tasks. Her commitment to her studies and her willingness to push through challenges make her a true role model for her classmates. Congratulations Christina on all your hard work and perseverance!


Saige Harper


Saige has been an active and engaged participant across all areas of the curriculum. It is wonderful to see your willingness to answer questions, provide insights and contribute to class discussions. 

 Well done Saige! Keep up the amazing effort!

Term Two - Week NINE (No Awards)

Term Two - Week TEN


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Harry Chisholm

A love of Learning

Congratulations to Harry for displaying a Love of Learning in Foundation E. His dedication and enthusiasm towards all learning opportunities is commendable as he engages in learning tasks with a can-do attitude. Harry’s perseverance and positive outlook towards challenging learning tasks makes him a valued member in our classroom. He is an excellent team leader during team-based tasks and listens to the thoughts and opinions of others with respect and kindness. Well done, Harry!


Helena Chernitsky


Helena has demonstrated wonderful perseverance when approaching learning tasks in the classroom. She takes on teacher feedback to improve her work and it’s been lovely to see how proud she is when connections are made with her learning. Keep up the great work Helena!


Carter Roscoe 

A love of learning

Carter has demonstrated confidence in understanding the different strategies used to solve addition problems. He has worked very hard at developing strategies such as counting on and using a number line, which he is now able to apply to vertical addition. Carter should be very proud of his achievements. Keep up the fantastic work! 


Ruby Davies

A Love of Learning & Leadership

Congratulations to Ruby for consistently demonstrating exceptional behaviour and a strong work ethic in Year 2. She is a role model for peers, always listening attentively and making smart choices. Her dedication to doing the right thing sets a positive example for the whole class. Keep up the excellent work!


Emma Roberts


Emma has returned to 2P after her holiday and settled back into class seamlessly. She has readjusted to the routine and is already showing the Black Rock Primary School values of Respect and Kindness both inside and outside the classroom. All of 2P are happy to have you back Emma! 


Isolde Russell

Love of Learning

Isolde has demonstrated excellent growth in all writing tasks. She diligently listens during writing and handwriting instructions and is applying her skills effectively. Isolde has produced well phrased reflective and persuasive paragraphs that are neatly written and show a great attention to letter formation. Congratulations Isolde on your wonderful effort.  


Saxon Scukovic

A Love of Learning

Saxon always shows enthusiasm when learning. He is a great listener and is always willing to share his knowledge with the class. Saxon has particularly enjoyed participating in our novel study this term and can always be trusted to help us understand any unknown words in the text. Thank you Sax! We are lucky to have you in 3T.


Connor Saris


Connor did a wonderful job researching and presenting his ‘Make a Change’ News Report on the need for a cover over the outdoor basketball courts at BRPS. He included all relevant information, spoke clearly and enjoyed answering the questions asked by his peers. Keep up the great work Connor!


Reeva McDonald


Always wearing a smile, Reeva approaches each day with an open heart and a joyful attitude that brightens the classroom. Whether it's offering a kind word of encouragement or assisting her peers with their work, she consistently shows empathy and a genuine desire to support others.

We’re so lucky to have such a kind and considerate student in 4Z.



Jake Crewes


This certificate is proudly presented to Jake in 6M for demonstrating the school value of perseverance while mastering the challenging concept of finding areas of composite shapes. Jake showed determination during independent practice and confidently sought support from his teacher. Once he understood the concept, he proudly supported his peers. Congratulations on your achievement!


Millie Roberts


Congratulations to Millie Roberts in 6M for her constant acts of kindness. Each day, Millie arrives with a positive attitude, supporting her peers and showing kindness. She excels in teamwork, offering valuable contributions and always ensuring everyone is included. 

Well done, Millie!

Term Two - Week ELEVEN


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Isla Wheatley


Isla has been a maths marvel this week, displaying her love for numbers during our Daily Reviews. Her peers have looked up to her as she confidently chants the correct answers and is the first to show her equations on her whiteboard. We love seeing the motivation you have for your learning Isla. Keep it up! 


Ted Robbins

Perseverance Ted has demonstrated wonderful perseverance when applying his letter-sound knowledge when reading and spelling words. He willingly answers questions about the texts he reads and enjoys sharing his personal experiences. It has been lovely to see how proud he is when connections are made with his learning. Keep up the great work Ted!


Max Miller

A Love of Learning

Max is receiving the Student of the Week award this week as he has been showing an exemplary effort in class. He has been a great role model, always listening and showing respect to all peers. Max genuinely loves learning and consistently seeks out new challenges, demonstrating a deep passion for expanding his knowledge and skills. Well done Max!


Jackson Skehan

A Love of Learning

Congratulations to Jackson for his exceptional performance during our Daily Review in maths sessions! His quick thinking, active participation, and remarkable automatic recall of number facts have truly set him apart. Keep up the fantastic work, Jackson!


Marlo Anderson


Marlo wrote a captivating tale about an avocado that beautifully adhered to narrative structure. She took her time with her illustrations, and they showcased her artistic talent. You are a true writer Marlo and published author! Keep it up!


Wolfie Moncrieff

Creativity and Perseverance 

Wolfie has worked exceptionally hard during our recent writing unit, resulting in the creation of a wonderful narrative story. Wolfie should be proud of the creativity and the commitment he has shown when producing this extended work. Well done Wolfie!


Harry Smithers


Harry has demonstrated wonderful perseverance when approaching persuasive writing tasks based on our novel ‘Matilda’. He can explain the purpose and features of a topic sentence and supporting details in a paragraph. He successfully uses his knowledge to write a well organised argument that includes a statement of position, has sequenced paragraphs and a conclusion. 


Kate Murrell


Kate has consi stently demonstrated outstanding perseverance in improving her hand writing .She has remained determined and focused, seeking feedback and implementing suggestions when given.Her progress is a testament to her resilience and dedication to personal growth. Well done Kate!


Zoey Murrell


Zoey shows persistence and creativity in her poetry spree, She finds the perfect rhymes and writes with glee. Fantastic work in every poem she makes. Keep it up, Zoey, you've got what it takes!


Chloe Gong

Love of Learning

Chloe has demonstrated exceptional effort and commitment to producing high-quality work for every task assigned. Chloe's dedication and perseverance in always trying her best have been exemplary and inspiring. Well done, Chloe.


Archie Bottomley


Archie demonstrates a remarkable talent for creativity. His drawings are a vivid display of imagination, often transforming simple ideas into elaborate pieces of art. Archie is also a gifted writer, particularly in the realm of poetry where his poems are filled with rich imagery and funny rhymes.

Keep thinking outside the box and expressing yourself in new and original ways, Archie.


Yvie Jones


Yvie is an absolute delight and the most wonderful friend! She consistently demonstrates a keen awareness of others' feelings, always looking out for those around her. Her kindness extends not only to her friends and peers but also to her teachers and everyone she encounters. We are very lucky to have you in Year 5 Yvie! 


Justin Lim

PerseveranceJustin has worked hard to improve his skills in handball during the winter season. He scored an amazing goal on Friday which led to his team winning the game! Great work Justin! 


Lola Fernandez


Lola completed a fantastic science assignment last week. She presented a clear and well-organised presentation, which included lots of interesting information and a detailed model based on Fiona Wood, the inventor of 'Spray-on Skin.' 

Keep up the superb work, Lola!


Sophie Doyle

Kindness and a Love of Learning

Sophie has had a magnificent first semester of 2024. She demonstrates the school values consistently and is a great example to all her peers. Sophie has also shown terrific dedication to her learning this year, allowing her to gain greater confidence. Keep up the awesome work, Sophie!