Health & P.E.

District Cross Country

The students had been training well for the Monash Heights District Cross Country event during lunch times and before school. Sixty children from Years 3 to 6, represented Essex Heights at the Monash Heights District event at Mirrabooka Reserve in Blackburn on Thursday 9 May. They should all be very proud of their efforts, completing the 2km or 3km course. 

Overall, we placed first which was an outstanding result!

Congratulations to those students who placed in the top 20, which qualified them to participate in the Monash Waverley Division Cross Country next Wednesday, 29 May. 

Thank you to Miss Boles and Miss Kemp for assisting the students. Also, a huge thanks to Siew Wai Wong, Kat Pryde and Conor Ryan for volunteering to marshall on the track. Your assistance was greatly appreciated! 

All the best to the following students who qualified for the Division event: 

District Cross Country
12/13yo age groupZerrin A, Georgia A, Irene G, Emily A, Max O, Zach P, Kirin S
11yo age groupJosh C, Ryan W, Jayan C, Nick N, Emmeline R, Millie A
9/10yo age group

Marcus O, Parker S, Kenan J, Deric F, Emily S, Amiya S, 

Mabel H, Grace C

We competed in the Monash Heights District Cross Country on Thursday 9th May. I came 35th in the 12/13 boys race and gave it my all. I improved a lot compared to last year.  



I was very lucky to participate in the race as someone was injured so I was first emergency. It was exciting to be part of the school team. I came 41st and was proud of my effort. Thanks to Miss Kemp, Miss Boles and Ms Hocking for their support. 



Good luck to children going onto Monash Division. 

It was very exciting news that we came first in the District event. 


School Sport Victoria - Team Vic Trials - Cricket

We participated in the School Sports Victoria Cricket regional trials on the 23rd of April.

Unfortunately, we did not make it to the top 15, however, we still enjoyed the experience and met many young, talented cricketers. 

We are grateful for the wonderful opportunity and memorable experience that we had and we thank our parents, Ms Hocking, and Mr Perini for this.

We assure that we will work hard to be selected to the top 15 next year!!!

Zach and Santhosh (Year 6) 

Years 3 to 6 House Athletics Carnival

Next Thursday, 30 May, is our House Athletics Carnival for Years 3 to 6 students. This full day event will be held at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track in East Burwood. This event is designed to provide students with an opportunity to practise a range of athletics skills in a friendly and competitive environment. 

Students are to be at school by 8.40am so the roll can taken in classrooms at 8.45am. Buses will leave school at 9am sharp from Outlook Road (at the rear of the school).

Students are to wear sports uniform/clothing (House colours encouraged), e.g. t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit pants. Bring additional clothing appropriate for the weather conditions. Students are to bring a small bag with a filled, named, water bottle, snacks, healthy lunch and, if applicable, a personal asthma puffer. Please note that there are no canteen facilities available at the venue.

Students compete for their House in the group of the age that they will be on 31 December 2024. The timetable for the day is:

An overall House winner will be announced at the School Assembly next Monday. Student performances will be used to select the school representative team for the Monash Heights District athletics competition in September. 

Parents are welcome to attend on the day. Parent helpers are needed on the day to support the event by helping the rotations throughout the day. No experience necessary. Full and half days are helpful. A current WWCC is required to assist on the day. Please advise your availability by completing the Google form (link provided in the Compass event notice).

Event information has been published on Compass. Consent and payment are due now and not later than Wednesday 29 May.