Year 6

Year 1 and Year 6 Buddies

As part of our whole school cultural incursion with Mitch Tambo and Voice of Lele, the Year 1 and Year 6 buddies listened to an Aboriginal Dreaming story and used Aboriginal art symbols to re-tell the Dreaming story with chalk. It was a lovely way to connect with First Nations’ culture and each other.

Mitch Tambo and Voice of Lele incursion reflection

The Year 6s thoroughly enjoyed participating in the whole school incursion with Mitch Tambo and Voice of Lele on Tuesday 14 May. We are extremely proud of our Year 6 students for demonstrating respect and enthusiasm during this incursion. They have learned a lot about inclusiveness and showing appreciation for both their own culture and the culture of others. Here is a thank you letter written to Mitch and Lele by some of our Year 6 students:

On behalf of Essex Heights we would like to give you both a big thanks for visiting our school. We appreciate you coming and sharing your culture to the school. You spread lovely messages and morals. Your stories are very inspirational to all EHPS teachers and students. We had such a fun time together. You both have wonderful voices and we hope to hear them again. Thanks for giving your time to share your wonderful music and cultures. You have provided our school with knowledge, happiness and some fun dancing. Thank you so much for this experience we will never forget.

From Ruby, Dabi, Zerrin, Mila and Aria, 6C