
Community Walk

On Thursday 16 May, the Prep students set off on their Community Walk. We showed respect to our environment as we walked on the path all the way to the post box. There, we waited patiently so we could each post our invitations to our Teddy Bears’ Picnic coming up later this month. After posting our letters, we continued our journey to the park where we had our picnic lunch and a play on the playground before returning to school. Here are some of the things we had to say about our Community Walk:

“I loved the playground!”

“My favourite part was posting my letter.”

“I loved eating my food!”

“Going on the monkey bars was so much fun!”

The Prep Team would like to say a big thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to come with us. We couldn’t have done it without your support! We love being able to take our students on adventures outside of school and we appreciate all your help to make it possible. 

Thank you and keep an eye on your letter boxes!