Health Centre

Head Bumps & Knocks

In the Health Centre we commonly see head bumps and knocks. These vary in severity considerably.  

Your child will be assessed by questions on presentation and how and when the head knock occurred. 

If there are any obvious bumps, injuries, or any concerns you will be called as soon as possible or if deemed appropriate, an ambulance called. 

Most head knocks are minor, and your child will be observed for 10 minutes with a cold cloth to this and if they appear alert and orientated and have no other obvious symptoms of concern, then your child will usually return to class or play. We will either call you or write a note for your child to give you at the end of the school day, again depending on severity. 

Please always keep your contact details up to date, including those of your emergency contacts as this is extremely important for when we need to contact you. 

I have attached two factsheets below for your interest - the Royal Childrens Hospital fact sheet for head injury and a Concussion Recognition Tool. 

Please refer to these and seek medical advice if you have any concerns with a head injury at any time. 

Julie Zuk 

First Aid Officer