Parents & Friends Club

Mother's Day Treat & Stall

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Mother's Day Treat on Thursday 9 May. We hope you enjoyed your coffee and treat. 

Our sincere thanks to our wonderful volunteers who served treats and coffee:  Naheed S, Kat P, Sam W, Ben W, Grant X, Kelly L, Gil F, Rob B, Cary C and Aaron M.

Congratulations to Lydia Chiu, Polly Goh, Pamela Mujica, Shannon Harley, Tracey Lewis and Shiri Krebs who won our Mother's Day Raffle prizes. The raffle raised $850.


Our annual Mother's Day Stall on Friday 10 May was a great success. All students visited the Stall during the day with their class to have the opportunity to purchase something special for their Mum/Grandma/Special Person during the day. The stall raised $1,347.


Thank you to our volunteers who offered their time:  Pia A, Laurissa R, Naheed S and Anousheh S, Sarah H, Aman K, Sam L, Borris Z, Jessie O, Alfredo B, Pooja H, Mark H, Baoying H, Angela B, Karen M, Juin H, Donny B, Emily S, Kat P, Sam W, Kelly L, and Vasudha K.


A special thanks go out to Naheed, Kat, Neng and Liyen for coordinating the Mother’s Day activities.

Secondhand Uniform 

Our Term 2 Secondhand Uniform Stall was held on Friday 1 May. Thank you for all the donations received to raise funds for our school, and recycle good quality items for reuse. It was another successful stall raising $1,200.

Thanks to Alison, Elima, Bixia, Siew and Niki for your assistance running the stall.


The next donation day is Wednesday 19 June (note rescheduled date from that previously advised) from 3pm to 3.45pm in the Stadium. Donations of good quality, clean, current EHPS logo uniform that you no longer require, will be gratefully received. Please remember to remove or cross out your child's name before donating. 

Flip Out Box Hill

The PFC has partnered with Flip Out Box Hill to host an after school FUNdraising event on Friday 14 June for a two-hour session at $33 per person (all ages).


There are two sessions:

  • Session 1 from 4.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Session 2 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm 

Prices are for all ages to participate, including adults. Spectators are admitted for free. 

Pre-payment of the full ticket price is required to secure your booking by Thursday 6 June (or until sold out). BE QUICK, as we have limited places available.

Grip socks are required, bring your own or available for purchase at the venue.

50% of the ticket price will be donated back to the school. Sorry, no refunds possible.

You will be required to sign a waiver prior to entering the venue. We strongly recommend you sign this prior to turning up to the venue to save time and queues. Please click this link to complete

There will be a café open for you to purchase drinks and snacks. 

PFC Meeting

The next PFC meeting will be held next Wednesday, 29 May, at 7.00pm in the Staff Room at school. All welcome. 

We will be discussing the upcoming Disco, Father’s Day and Adults event. Please come along and see what the PFC is all about and get involved!

The minutes and actions of the last meeting and agenda for the next meeting next Wednesday will be published in your Compass News Feed.

Contact the PFC

Contact the PFC by email on

Sam Watson

PFC President