This term in specialist classes.

Performing Arts
This term in Performing Arts we are focussing on our whole school inquiry question- How do people share their stories? The Seniors are writing their own songlines incorporating personally significant landmarks on Millowl. We will then use drama and song to communicate our songlines to an audience. The Juniors and Middles are re-telling Dreaming stories through drama. Our Foundation students are ‘On the Farm’, re-telling stories such as The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff through drama. In music, we will be listening to and learning about Indigenous musicians and instruments. The Juniors will be introduced to the ukulele and the 3-6s will expand their skills on this instrument.
Digital Technology
In Digital Technology we begin Term Two with a focus on digital citizenship. The Preps are focusing on topics including- Who are your trusted adults? The Year 3-6 students are exploring ‘the topic ‘Our Brain on Tech’ and considering how we can use technology in a balanced way that is healthy for our whole body and brain development. Our Juniors are focusing on healthy technology habits. Later in the term, all students will be coding and using robots.
Visual Arts
During Term Two the students will explore more technical mark making such as rubbings and printmaking. The printmaking techniques that they will learn are mono-printing and relief printing. The students will also learn about Indigenous art, encompassing storytelling symbols and they will experiment with a range of different materials.
During Term Two the students will consolidate and apply their understanding of the seven arts elements: line, shape, texture, value, space, colour and form. They will explore the relief printing technique to develop their artworks. Students will investigate Indigenous art, paying attention to particular traditional techniques and artworks whilst viewing examples of Indigenous artists' works.
Throughout Term Two the students will apply the elements of line, shape, colour, texture, value, space and form to create artworks. They will investigate artworks from different time periods as inspiration. Students will explore relief printing practices using foam blocks. The students will learn about Indigenous art and experiment with ways to share a story visually. They will explore symbolism and reflect on Indigenous art for inspiration.
Throughout Term Two the students will apply the elements, line, shape, colour, texture, value, space and form to create artworks. They will investigate artworks from different time periods as inspiration. Students will explore relief printing practices using foam blocks. They will experiment with printing with more than one colour. The students will investigate ways to exhibit their artwork and evaluate both their own and other artists' work. The students will learn about Indigenous art and experiment with ways to share a story visually. They will explore symbolism and reflect on Indigenous art for inspiration.
During Term Two the Foundation students will explore the mini-beasts that visit our school grounds, including butterflies and bees and create a butterfly garden. The students will then learn about the seasons and how the seasons affect what we wear and how we behave.
During Term Two the Junior students will learn about the external features of the mammals that visit our school. They will explore the basic needs of animals and plant indigenous species to create food and shelter. We will then investigate the seasons and how living things modify their behaviour due to the weather.
During Term Two the Middle students will continue to examine the life cycles and observable features of living things. They will plant a ‘winter crop’ and create yummy garden fresh treats. Students will then explore how the earth’s rotation causes regular changes, including night and day.
During Term Two the Senior students will investigate the physical adaptations of animals that live in extreme conditions. They will then explore the Earth and Space Sciences and how the Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around the sun.