This term in the seniors classrooms.

In Seniors this term, we will engage in an inquiry into the question ‘How do people share their stories?’ Students will reflect upon a variety of media and storytelling practices from around the world. We will then build connections with the sharing of the Catholic story, understanding Catholic Tradition and recontextualising of scripture and prayer.
In English, we will be continuing our Rivet Boy novel study with students completing persuasive writing pieces. We will focus on developing our understanding of persuasive language devices, such as rhetorical questions, modality and emotive language. In reading, our focus will be on exploring a variety of text types relevant to our novel study and building a bank of strategies and skills to support our comprehension. We will continually review punctuation, vocabulary extension, grammar, and handwriting. This term we will also be targeting spelling through Spelling Mastery focus groups.
We will be exploring division, fractions, chance, nets and cross sections during Mathematics. We will be using a range of hands-on materials, explicit teaching, use of manipulatives, and guided practice to build strong understanding and confidence in Mathematics.
Students will engage in Personal and Social Capabilities studies this term through the use of Open Parachute, a mental health and wellbeing program. We focus on the following topics; choosing kindness, making friendship choices, bullying/body image and boundary setting. Students will also have an opportunity to view and demonstrate positive behaviours during focused activities.
In PE this term we are developing students' understanding of and participation in soccer, AFL & netball, with a focus on inclusion, fair play and sportsmanship. Students will have the opportunity to participate in these sports at a district level, and potentially progress to further rounds of competition.