This term in the middles classrooms...

In Middles this term, we will engage in an inquiry into the question ‘How do people share their stories?’ Students will explore a variety of media, storytelling practices from around the world, and the way the Catholic story is shared in many ways. They will then use all that they have learned to creatively tell their own story in at least two different ways. Our Religious Education will be embedded within the story inquiry, with a particular focus on the Last Supper and the Sacrament of Eucharist.
In English, we will continue our novel study about the text Matilda, by Roald Dahl. This study will provide the students with opportunities to build their background knowledge using a variety of texts, develop their comprehension skills, focus on grammar and literary features and target their understanding of the features of narrative and persuasive texts. They will have opportunities to develop reading fluency, improve their handwriting and engage in regular reviews to consolidate their learning. They will employ these skills to create their own texts, with a focus on quality sentences, as well as whole pieces of writing.
In Mathematics, we will be exploring the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with a focus on a range of strategies that will best fit the students’ understanding, the use of concrete materials to represent their thinking, and encouraging students to share their reasoning with others. We will apply this understanding to explore the concept of area. In the second half of the term, students will engage in modelling, representing and working with fractions, and explore chance and probability through real world contexts. To finish the term, students will improve their understanding of location, via creating and interpreting a range of maps and grids. Regular reviews will also be used to consolidate their previous learning.
In Health and PE students will continue to develop their fundamental movement skills, their game sense and team work. As part of the sports in schools grant we will provide the opportunity to participate in a series of golf lessons with an instructor. Students will explore ways of being healthy including healthy eating, nutrition and positive relationships with others.
Our specialist timetable will remain the same for this term:
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Middle B: Performing Arts
Middle I: Visual Arts
| Library: Bring library bags
Middle I: PE
| Visual Arts: Art smock required
Digital Technology
| Middle B: PE/Sport