This term in the Junior classrooms...

Learning in Term 2
In Juniors this term, we will engage in an inquiry into the question ‘How do people share their stories?’ Students will explore a variety of media, storytelling practices, and the way the Catholic story is shared in many ways. Our Religious Education will be embedded within the story inquiry, with a particular focus on the Last Supper and the Sacrament of Eucharist. Juniors will also explore maps, learn about the natural, managed and constructed features of our local area, how it has changed over time and identify how people are connected to different places. They will consider reasons why some places are important to people and how they can be looked after.
In English, we will be focusing on building a strong foundation of phonics knowledge, phonemic awareness (syllables, blending and segmenting words, rhyme), high frequency word knowledge and exploring a range of text types. We will begin at sentence level, exploring basic punctuation and ensuring our sentences are grammatically correct, and expand from there to write short recounts and narratives (imaginative stories). Daily home reading will continue this term with an additional reading folder sent home this week within their reading bag. The folder will contain the sounds your child is focusing on, together with fluency passages and irregular high frequency words. We appreciate your support and encouragement of your child in helping them to read these sounds, words and passages each day to reinforce their learning. Please ensure that this folder remains in the reading bag when not in use and is returned to school daily.
This term in Mathematics we will be exploring addition & subtraction, measurement, time, sequencing and exploring features of maps to connect with our Inquiry unit. We will be using a range of hands-on materials and a combination of real world examples, explicit teaching and inquiry investigations to build a strong understanding in Mathematics.
Our specialist timetable remains the same this term. Thank you for supplying a library bag and art smock for these sessions. We look forward to a fabulous term ahead in Juniors!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Visual Art with Ms Baxter
Performing Arts: with Mrs. Spottiswood
Science with Mrs. O.C
| PE with Mrs. K (wear sports uniform)
Digital Technology with Mrs. Daniel
Library: with Mrs Fall. Bring a library bag (Prep and Juniors) |