This term in the Foundation classroom...

In Prep this term, we will be inquiring into ‘How people share their stories.’ Our inquiry learning will draw on the students' creative thinking and problem solving skills as they explore a variety of media and storytelling practices. Religious Education learning will examine stories from the Bible with a focus on the Last Supper and the Sacraments of Initiation.
In English, we will continue to focus on building a strong foundation of phonics knowledge, phonemic awareness (syllables, blending and segmenting words, rhyme), high frequency word knowledge and exploring a range of text types. We will also be encouraging the preps to express their ideas verbally, in pictures and basic sentences which utilise punctuation such as capital letters and full stops. We are extremely proud of our students' efforts as they learn their letter sounds and begin to blend to sound out simple words. Thankyou for sending reading folders to school each day. Daily home reading will continue this term with an additional reading folder sent home this week within their reading bag. This folder contains the sounds your child is focusing on. We appreciate your support and encouragement of your child in helping them to read these sounds, words and passages each day to reinforce their learning. Please ensure that this folder remains in the reading bag when not in use and is returned to school daily. Take home books will be changed on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays so that students can build fluency.
In Mathematics we will be exploring part-whole relationships, shapes, counting and place value of numbers. We will be using a range of hands-on materials, explicit teaching, inquiry investigations and fun interactive games to build a strong understanding of Mathematics.
Finally, Mrs. OC is thrilled to be teaching the Preps on Wednesdays this term, while Mrs. Owens, as part of her role as Learning and Teaching Leader, is assisting with the OLSS VRQA assessment.