Head of Junior School 

Mrs Jo Messer

I received a lovely and warm reception upon my return to the Junior School on Monday. After a 30-hour journey, including three flights, I was a weary traveller. However, the students' welcoming comments made my day. Many students genuinely inquired about my leave. My favourite comment came from Cole Wiggins (Year 1), who said, ‘I really missed you Mrs Messer’. It made me reflect on what a beautiful, welcoming, and caring community we have.


I extend a heartfelt thank you to Mrs Sue Burrows, who took on the role of Acting Head of Junior School during my two weeks of Long Service Leave. I would also like to thank Miss Daun and all staff who took on additional duties in my absence.


After reflecting and discussing uniform expectations, we have made some adjustments directly impacting the pride we take in our uniform and our appearance. These changes are listed below. If you have any queries regarding these changes, please contact me.

Upcoming Student Free Days

  • Friday 7 June: Student Free Day for Staff Spirituality Day.
  • Monday 10 June: Long weekend due to the King’s Birthday.

Mid-Year Assembly

Date: Wednesday 3 July

Venue: Nagle Centre, St Mary’s College

Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm


All parents/carers are encouraged to attend. Choir, Year 5, and 6 bands will be performing. Class and specialist subject certificates will also be presented to deserving students.

Whole School Reconciliation Activity

Each student in the Junior School decorated a ‘hand’ on Tuesday this week, which was then placed on the Junior School bank in recognition of Reconciliation Week. This activity also extended to our Senior Campus.

Changes in Uniform Expectations

Sports Uniform

  1. From now on, students are not required to wear their full tracksuit to and from school on PE and sports uniform days in Term 2 and Term 3.
  2. Students are expected to wear their soft-shell jacket or pullover sports top to and from school, but not the tracksuit pants. This applies to all students from Kindergarten through to Year 6.
  3. On sports uniform days, students must wear their House shirt under their polo top, which remains unchanged.
  4. If wearing track pants, students must wear their sports shorts underneath.
  5. Students may wear the long sleeve training top as an additional layer under their polo. This is not a replacement for the house shirt and should not be worn with the formal uniform. This may only be worn in Term 2 and Term 3.
  6. Beanies may be worn in Term 2 and Term 3, only with sports uniform, and may be worn during recess and lunch. They are not to be worn indoors.
  7. Given the number of second-hand jumpers in lost property, we are relaxing the rule about the grey jumper. It is no longer compulsory to wear this to School under the blazer in Term 2 and Term 3. The sports jacket may not be worn instead of the jumper but may be worn over the jumper as an additional layer.

We understand that some items of clothing may be forgotten, left at a parent’s house, or elsewhere at times. We will be vigilant, however, if there is a consistent pattern in these transgressions and will be in touch with reminders should the need arise.

Cross Country

Congratulations to the students who placed in the top ten in the recent House Cross Country Event and who have been selected in the Cross Country team. Thank you to Mr Tom Beard for volunteering to train these students on a Wednesday morning. We look forward to the team competing in the upcoming JSSATIS and STCPSSA Carnivals.

Parents & Friends Meeting

The Junior School Parents & Friends are meeting on Monday 3 June at 4.00pm at the Junior School. Anyone is encouraged and welcome to join us in the meeting.

Mini Vinnies Food and Men’s Hygiene Product Drive

Our Mini Vinnies Conference is currently running a donation drive for non-perishable food items and hygiene products suitable for men. Every donation supports people in our local community and earns house points. Donations can be left in the Junior School Main Office.

Make Jesus Real: Whole School Focus

For many years, the Junior School has utilized the Make Jesus Real books in Years 5 and 6, and the Spirit of Jesus books in Years 3 and 4, as a way of helping our students recognise the presence of Jesus in their lives every day. Recently, Miss Daun has taken this a step further by initiating a whole-school focus each week for classes to reflect on and work towards. Students discuss and pray about that particular focus in their classes. They have also been writing reflections on the MJR board about where they have seen Jesus in their lives today.


Our first whole-school focus was ‘having a positive attitude,’ and our second was ‘forgiveness.’ Each week, students and staff can nominate other students and staff who display the particular quality for an MJR Award. We congratulate Spencer Fountain in Year 2 for being the very first recipient of an MJR award for showing a positive attitude.

Year 1 Inquiry into Daily and Seasonal Changes

Throughout Term 1, Year 1 students have been exploring daily and seasonal changes in the world around us and how these changes impact people, animals, and plants. They recently explored the Senior Campus bush space and experienced firsthand the knowledge held by First Nations Australians while exploring the changes seen in nature.

Year 2 Science

This term, our Year 2 students have been learning about materials and their properties. They recently investigated the materials used to make slime and the properties of slime when they are mixed together.


It's been a busy and productive time at the Junior School, and we look forward to more exciting events and activities ahead.